SPP 1243:  Quantum Transport at the Molecular Scale

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2006 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 19227306

Project Description

Molecular Electronics is recognised as a key candidate to succeed the silicon based technology once we have arrived at the end of the semiconductor roadmap. The use of organic molecules in nanoscale nonlinear circuits offers many opportunities for new types of devices, which will differ in fabrication, functionality, and architecture. But even the fundamental question how electrical current flows across a single molecule is not satisfactorily understood. The common goal of this Priority Programme is to strengthen the obligatory fundamental research activity in the field by combining different theoretical approaches, experimental techniques and to develop a full physical picture of molecular-scale charge transport.
Funding will be provided for the following subtopics:
(1) Molecular junction experiments: Different techniques to contact molecules have to be further developed, improved and calibrated. In addition, new experimental probes and additional control parameters are requested, in order to understand the detailed mechanisms of quantum molecular transport.
(2) Scanning-probe experiments with molecules on surfaces: Experiments are requested, which correlate detailed spatial information with electronic transport properties.
(3) Hybrid structures and biomolecules: bio-inspired routes to molecular self-assembly are of interest and their link to electronic functionality.
The ultimate theoretical goal is to devise new concepts and to design a computational machinery that allows for a quantitative prediction of electronic transport properties of individual molecules contacted to electrodes/substrates of a given material. This include on the analytical side, model-based approaches familiar from mesoscopic physics and theoretical chemistry and first-principle-based atomistic simulations to quantum transport to feed the model calculations and to achieve a predictive power relevant to experiment.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Israel, Spain, Switzerland


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Thomas Frauenheim