Concepts and strategies for control of aircraft with highly cross-coupled characteristics of propulsion and high-lift systems
Subject Area
Hydraulic and Turbo Engines and Piston Engines
from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 133733460
For airplanes with active high-lift for short take-off and landing capabilities, there are particular requirements for safe flight in the turbulent atmosphere and during failure incidences. This subproject performs flight simulations of takeoff and landing transition operations, which take into account the coupled nonlinear behavior between aerodynamics, engine, and control surfaces during longitudinal and lateral movements. With these simulations, the potential of the multipurpose high-lift flaps in case of engine failure and active blowing system failure will be investigated. The effects of wake vortices of aircraft flying ahead and ground proximity will be also addressed.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres