Interaction of long-living solvated electrons with adsorbates at the surface of ice

Applicants Professor Dr. Michel Bockstedte; Professor Dr. Uwe Bovensiepen; Professorin Dr. Karina Morgenstern
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 189957355

Project Description

Fluid water, water clusters, and water ice possess the fascinating ability to solvate ions and electrons. On ice, these solvated electrons facilitate electron-induced reactions via dissociative electron attachment as, for example, takes place in atmospheric chemistry. Such process enhances the cross section as compared to the gas phase. The current understanding of the physical mechanisms at work remains rather incomplete. In particular, no molecular-scale picture exists that describes the underlying solvation dynamics of the solvated electron state or the interaction of the adsorbate with the solvated electron at the ice surface. Such a picture shall be developed for a model system. For this aim, we combine highly complementary approaches, namely, time-resolved two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy, high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy, and theoretical approaches on the basis of first-principles and empirical methods. We will exploit the long-living solvated electron states at crystalline ice structures prepared on a metal surface and the dissociation of adsorbed halogenated benzene molecules C6H5F, C6H5Cl, and C6H5Br, i.e. of molecules with different electron afinity. The insight gained on this model system will in general contribute to the understanding of the phenomena of electron solvation in polar solvents and electron-induced processes by these solvated electrons.
DFG Programme Research Grants