Project Details
Improving spectroscopic data of H2O in the mid infrared for application on high resolution spectroscopy of the atmosphere..
Dr. Manfred Birk; Dr. Mathias Palm
Subject Area
Atmospheric Science
from 2011 to 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 189731856
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
An application of the new water database on atmospheric measurements of selected groundbased remote sensing measurement stations showed that the residua within the selected broad band windows were signifcantly reduced. Further, the total columns, the vertical profles and the yearly cycles that were evaluated with the new water database and the HITRAN12 database were compared to each other. Thereby, the diferences in the total column amounts of water vapor can be up to 1%, while the mean vertical profles near ground show higher values compared to those before. It fnally can be concluded, that the newly created improved database for water vapor can fulfll the increased requirements for the analysis of ground-based remote sensing.
Pressure broadening, -shift, speed dependence and line mixing in the ν3 rovibrational band of N2O. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 2015;151:300-309
Loos J, Birk M, Wagner G
Accurate line intensities for water transitions in the infrared: Comparison of theory and experiment. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 2017
Birk M, Wagner G, Loos J, Lodi L, Polyansky OL, Kyuberis AA, Zobov NF, Tennyson J
Measurement of air-broadening line shape parameters and temperature dependence parameters of H2O lines in the spectral ranges 1850– 2280 cm^−1 and 2390–4000 cm^−1. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 2017
Loos J, Birk M, Wagner G
Measurement of positions, intensities and self-broadening line shape parameters of H2O lines in the spectral ranges 1850–2280 cm^−1 and 2390– 4000 cm^−1. J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 2017
Loos J, Birk M, Wagner G
Verbesserung der spektroskopischen Datenbasis von H2O für die Anwendung in bodengebundener Fernerkundung der Atmosphäre. PhD thesis. Karlsruhe Institute for Technologie (KIT) 2017
Loos J
Verbesserung der spektroskopischen Parameter von Methan im mittleren Infrarotbereich f\374r die atmosph\344rische Fernerkundung. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institue of Technology (KIT) 2017
Dubravica, D