Formation and shaping of magnetic nanoclusters in oxides, using ion implantation
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2011 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 189694715
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
One goal of this project, which provided only travel and consumption materials, was to train in particular South African students in high quality research by bringing them into in an internationally respected research collaboration where they will work alongside their German fellow students and have access to high quality research mentoring and supervision. The scientific goals included to investigate the conditions required to synthesize magnetic nano-clusters by ion implantation of Fe and Co in oxides. The formation of the nano-clusters in the host matrices had to be studied as functions of annealing temperature, implantation fluence, substrates, and co-doping. Specific manipulation of the shape of the clusters will be achieved using subsequent irradiation with swift heavy ions. Complementary structural and magnetic characterization of the prepared samples should finally lead to a deep understanding of (a) the formation mechanism and (b) the correlation between structure and magnetic properties of the embedded nanoclusters.
In summary, we can conclude that this was a very successful project, as we especially succeeded in our first goal to train young academics on both sides, and getting them together. Not only the students in South Africa benefited out of the access to modern equipment at the U Jena, but also the German PhD candidates gained a lot during their visits in the research labs in South Africa. Here, they had to learn and manage science with much less support and less sophisticated equipment, enabling their creativity. The collaboration was also a very valuable experience for all involved people on a personal level.
In terms of scientific results, one definitely can high-light the two finished PhD theses, which contain a significant amount of results out of this project. There are still plenty of results to be published on Mößbauer studies performed on Fe-implanted MgO, LiNbO3, and SrTiO3, as well as their SHI irradiation.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
A CEMS search for precipitate formation in 57Fe implanted ZnO. Hyperfine Interactions 207, 49 (2012)
H. Masenda, T.B. Doyle, S. Geburt, C. Ronning, H.P. Gunnlaugsson, K. Bharuth-Ram
Defect induced magnetism in Ar implanted ZnO. 16th International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and the 20th international Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions (HFI/NQI 2012) Beijing, China, 10 – 14. Sept. 2012
K. Bharuth-Ram, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, R. Mantovan, T. E. Mølholt, S. Geburts, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, G. Langouche, K. Johnston, H. P. Gíslason, S. Ólafsson, C. Ronning, M. B. Madsen, G. Weyer
Formation of Fe3C in ion implanted graphite and CVD diamond. International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Granada (Spain), 3-6 Sept. 2012
H. Masenda, K. Bharuth-Ram, T. B. Doyle, S. Geburt, C. Ronning
CEMS search for nanoparticle formation in Co/Fe implanted ZnO. 17th International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions (HFI 2014) Sydney, Sept. 2014
K. Bharuth-Ram, H. Masenda, T.B. Doyle, S. Geburt, C. Ronning
Development of a Swift Heavy Ion irradiation facility at iThemba LABS: Some preliminary results. Swift Heavy Ions in Materials Engineering and Characterization (SHIMEC), New Delhi, India, 14.-17. Oct 2014
K. Bharuth-Ram, S. Wolf, A. Johannes, M. Moodley, R. Neveling, J. Rensberg, F.D. Smit, R. Thomae, C. Ronning
Magnetic Properties of Ar and C implanted ZnO. International Conference on Nano-Magnetism, Istanbul, Turkey, 2.-6. Sep. 2014
K. Bharuth-Ram, S. Geburt, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, R. Mantovan, T. E. Mølholt, G. Langouche, K. Johnston, H. P. Gíslason, S. Ólafsson, C. Ronning, T. B. Doyle, G. Weyer
CEMS study of 57Fe implanted AlN. International Conference on the Application of the Mößbauer Effect (ICAME), Hamburg, Germany, 13.-18. Sept. 2015
K. Bharuth-Ram, S. Geburt, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, C. Ronning
Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy: a sensitive probe of ion irradiation defects in ZnO. International Conference on the Application of the Mößbauer Effect (ICAME), Hamburg, Germany, 13.-18. Sept. 2015
K. Bharuth-Ram, G. Langouche, T. E. Mølholt, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, S. Geburt, T. B. Doyle, K. Johnston, R. Mantovan, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, H. P. Gíslason, S. Ólafsson, C. Ronning, G. Weyer
Nanocluster formation in Co/Fe implanted ZnO. Hyperfine Interactions 230, 181 (2015)
Shape manipulation of ion irradiated Ag nanoparticles embedded in lithium niobate. Nanotechnology, Volume 27, 145202, 2016
S. Wolf, J. Rensberg, A. Johannes, R. Thomae, F. Smit, R. Neveling, M. Moodley, T. Bierschenk, M. Rodriguez, B. Afra, S. Bin Hasan, C. Rockstuhl, M. Ridgway, K. Bharuth-Ram, C. Ronning
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