The Annals of Pöhlde (Annales Palidenses) are a comprehensive world chronicle spanning from the creation of the world to the year 1182 with the exception of a few addenda. Written on parchment by an unknown cleric at the Pöhlde Premonstratensian monastery located at the south-western edge of the Harz Mountains, the work constitutes an essential source for the history of the empire in the 12th century. Based on a manuscript written in the first third of the 18th century, only parts have been published until now, which essentially focus on the annual chronicles of the 12th century. We aim to thoroughly edit this leading source completely for the first time, based on either the autograph or the manuscript to be considered as the original dating from the end of the 12th century, to produce a verified text, to determine the existing versions, and to annotate the younger parts completely. By placing the entire annals in their literary historical context we will make an important contribution to the history of historiography as well as library history and the history of education of the early Staufer period. The project has been funded by DFG for 36 months starting on January 1, 2011.
DFG Programme
Research Grants