InFoLiS II - Integration of research literature and data

Applicants Professor Dr. Kai Eckert; Dr. Sabine Gehrlein, since 9/2017; Professorin Dr.-Ing. Brigitte Mathiak
Subject Area Empirical Social Research
Term from 2011 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 189200501

Project Description

The goal of the first InFoLiS project was the development of techniques to connect publications and research data of the social sciences automatically. Further, the identified links were integrated into the retrieval systems of the project partners. To improve the ease of search, the automatic assignment of keywords to research data was performed. Now, the goal of the follow-up project InFoLiS II is the further development of the product-specific implementations which have been used in InFoLiS I into a reuseable Linked Open Data (LOD). Additionally, the technique to link publications and research data (InfoLink) is applied on an extended database to ensure a discipline and language independent approach. Therefore, further fulltext archives including publications of the related discipline economics are used. Altogether, especially the reusability of the links for information retrieval should be improved. In InFoLiS I, the integration into the retrieval systems was based on system-specific procedures of Primo and the GESIS systems as well as on ad-hoc methods to share the links. To overcome this restriction and to ensure a better reusability, we will provide a LOD based infrastructure which is independent of specific products like Primo. This infrastructure also includes workflows like update mechanisms to always offer the most current data. The heterogeneity of the links and the different granularity of research data sets complicate the usability, e.g for the retrieval. Thus, another goal of InFoLiS II is to improve the links by explicitly describing their heterogeneity, by identifying connections between related research data and by linking to unique entities.
DFG Programme Research data and software (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Ehemaliger Antragsteller Christian Benz, until 9/2017