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Gestaltung von fortgeschrittenen Ti-Basis Dendriten - nanoskaligen/ultrafeinen eutektischen Matrix Kompositen durch die kontrollierte Erstarrung

Subject Area Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
Term from 2010 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 188608717
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The project was aimed to gain better understanding of the solidification peculiarities of Ti-rich binary Ti-Fe and ternary Ti-Fe-Nb alloys. Representing the family of the β-Ti in situ composites, these alloys are highly potential for commercial applications due to high strength of ultrafine eutectic matrix, toughened by the ductile dendrites of the primary phase. The possibility to achieve deliberate morphology and distribution of the primary phase via semi-solid processing has been tested. To conduct these experiments a substantial development of the cold-finger facility was carried out within the project. The modifications proved to be particularly important in order to assure the reproducibility of the methods. A precise control over the processing parameters and enhanced cooling rate have a potential in successful application of this facility to many systems. Elaborated experimental work proved its potential for Ti-based multicomponent composite systems, providing guidelines for the future application of this method. To support the experiments on semi-solid processing, the high-temperature phase equilibria in Ti-rich corner of the Ti-Fe-Nb system was studied. The liquidus and solidus surfaces, as well as isothermal section at 1000°C were determined for the composition range up to 50 at.% Fe and 7.5 at.% Nb. These experimental data have been reasonably described by the thermodynamic modeling of the β-(Ti,Fe,Nb), FeTi, and liquid phases, which was done via extrapolation of the published assessments for binary terminal systems. Further particulars of the solidification in the hypo and hypereutectic alloys of binary Ti-Fe and ternary Ti-Fe-Nb systems have been studied by in situ high-energy X-ray diffraction combined with electrostatic levitation technique. The method provided a unique possibility to measure lattice parameters at elevated temperatures, otherwise not accessible for reactive materials, such as Ti-based alloys. In combination with the conventional dilatometry measurements the thermal expansion coefficients are found to be undistinguishable for β-(Ti,Fe) and FeTi phases (at least for the compositions, falling within the eutectic plateau) and show a quadratic temperature dependence, anticipated from recent ab initio calculations. Tracing the positions and intensity of the Bragg’s reflections, the time evolution of the composition and volume fraction of the constituent phases were deduced for binary alloys solidified from different undercooling levels. It was observed, that coarse microstructure formed at low undercoolings leads to the limited solid-stated diffusion below approx. 1000°C, resulting in the residual oversaturation of the β-(Ti,Fe) phase with iron. In contrast, fine microstructure, formed at deep undercoolings, signifies solidstated diffusion down to approx. 800°C and consequently attains the saturation level closer to equilibrium. These findings vividly illustrate crucial interconnection between the solidification conditions and resulting microstructure and may serve as a guide in how to obtain deliberate saturation of the constituent phases.



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