Subgrain structure development in rocks and metals (MineralSubstructureDynamics) (FP 18)
Final Report Abstract
The project produced a major step forward in the modelling of microstructures. In Elle it is now possible to simulate microstructural development (dynamic recrystallisation) in polyphase granular materials with minor second phases (e.g. rock salt with fluid inclusions or ice with clathrates), as well as major second phases (e.g. ice with air bubbles). It is now also possible to simulate deformation to very high strains. Achieving this proved to be no simple task, especially for 3D. Here major progress has been made, especially in the direction of linking the Ekolos code with the full-field FFT code for crystal-plastic deformation. However, this part of the work is not yet finished. The fact that the EuroMinScI-network was discontinued after the first funding period is a significant setback, as it (for the moment) stopped funding for the fruitful collaboration between Toulouse and Tübingen. Results from the 3DXRD synchrotron experiment, once processed, will certainly give new impetus to this part of the project. The new capabilities in 2D modelling have already resulted in several publications and for the base for current and future modelling, such as that of polar ice within another DFG project.
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(2008) A new front-tracking method to model anisotropic grain and phase boundary motion in rocks. Computers & Geosciences 34, 201-212
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2008. The Kinetics of Fluid Inclusions in Recrystallizing Rocks - Evidence from Analogue and Numerical Models. DDG-Meeting, Aachen
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(2009) Phase-field simulations of partial melts in geological materials. Computers & Geosciences 35, 1907-1916
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2009. 3D grain boundary migration. DRT-Meeting, Liverpool
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2009. A tale of two viscosities. Journal of Structural Geology 31, 719-736
Jessell, M.W., Bons, P.D., Griera, A., Evans, L.A., Wilson, C.J.L.
2009. The effect of microstructure on grain growth rate, in particular in ice. DRT Meeting, Liverpool
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Microstructural Modelling with Elle. Workshop on "Characterization, interpretation and modelling of metamorphic textures". July 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
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(2010) Numerical simulations of microstructures using the Elle platform: A modern research and teaching tool. Journal of the Geological Society of India 75, 110-127
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2010. Influence of air bubbles in ice on grain growth. 12th PCI conference, Sapporo
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2010. The application of in-situ 3D X-ray Diffrction in anealing experiments: First interpretation of substructure development in deformed NaCl. ReX & GG IV, Sheffield
Borthwick, V., Schmidt, S., Piazolo, S., Gundlach, C., Griera, A., Bons, P.D., Jessell, M.W.