The research program aims at investigating the low-energy spin dynamics in quantum spin systems with frustration. The main emphasis of the program is placed on the following tasks: (i) studying the nature of the recently observed gapped excitations in the triangle-lattice antiferromagnet Cs2CuBr4, (ii) understanding the spin dynamics in the spin-1/2 frustrated ladder BiCu2PO6, and (iii) studying magnetic excitations in the natural mineral azurite Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2, a spin-1/2 frustrated quantum antiferromagnet with a distorted diamond-chain structure. These systems are known to exhibit very unusual magnetic properties, where complex effects of geometrical frustration, quantum fluctuations, magnetic order and anisotropy play a particular important role. The high-field electron spin resonance spectroscopy will be employed as the main experimental techniques, allowing us to probe magnetic excitations in these materials across different regions of their phase diagrams. The experimental data will be analyzed in the frame of recent theoretical models, aiming better understanding of the effects of competing interactions in these and related frustrated spin systems.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
France, Netherlands, Switzerland, USA