NMR and MRI are witnessing a revolution, being driven by the advent of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), which promises to increase their sensitivity by several orders of magnitude by transferring the much larger polarization of electron spins to nuclear spins. This proposal put forward a unique collaborative effort of leading magnetic resonance laboratories deeply involved in these exciting developments with expertise in NMR and EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) basic spin physics, instrumental developments and materials research to biomolecular and preclinical NMR and MRI investigations. The global aims of the present DIP proposal are to investigate the spin dynamics occurring in the three DNP settings (liquid, solids and dissolution) thereby clarifying the various mechanisms underlying the DNP effect. Then, to use this new understanding to obtain the optimum transfer conditions yielding maximum NMR/MRI signal enhancements, exploiting the new opportunities that these developments can open in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, and finally utilize all this collective knowledge to create on the next generation of DNP polarizers. Specific tasks include:(1) Develop the quantum mechanical framework needed to understand the different aspects of the electron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions that come to play in the various DNP scenarios. This will rely heavily on systematic experiments isolating the effect of the various parameters DNP depends on. (2) Develop new experimental protocols for optimizing the information frontiers opened up by DNP. (3) Exploit the theoretical and experimental know-how derived from points #1 and #2, to develop the next generation of both in situ and ex situ DNP instruments. (4) Feed back the new insight gained in points #1-through-#3 above, both into the theory of DNP as well as into the development of a new series of experimental applications geared at both solid-state high resolution chemical and biological studies. We believe that this program carries the promise to shape all DNP-related research and its applications.
DFG Programme
DIP Programme
International Connection