Hochauflösendes LC/ESI-TOF-Massenspektrometer mit APPI Quelle
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung in 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 184973711
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Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Acenes with a Click. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 213. 2012, Issue 10-11 (Special Issue: Carbon Materials with a Kick!), pp. 1020–1032.
A.R. Waterloo, S. Kunakom, F. Hampel, R.R. Tykwinski
Incorporation of Steroid Biomarkers into Petroleum Model
Compounds. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, Vol. 25. 2012, Issue 7 (Special Issue: New Directions in Physical Organic Chemistry), pp. 597–606.
A. Scherer, F. Hampel, M.R. Gray, J.M. Stryker, R.R. Tykwinski
Isomerically Pure syn-Anthracenedithiophenes: Synthesis, Properties, and FET Performance. Organic Letters, Vol. 14. 2012, Issue 14, pp. 3660–3663.
D. Lehnherr, A.R. Waterloo, K.P. Goetz, M.M. Payne, F. Hampel, J.E. Anthony, O.D. Jurchescu, R.R. Tykwinski
Thermal Cracking of Substituted Cholestane–Benzoquinoline
Asphaltene Model Compounds. Energy Fuels, Vol. 26. 2012, Issue 6, pp. 3592–3603.
A.H. Alshareef, A. Scherer, J.M. Stryker, R.R. Tykwinski, M.R Gray,
Allenylidene complexes based on Pentacenequinone. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 2013, Issue 29, pp. 5181–5186.
F. Strinitz, A. Waterloo, J. Tucher, E. Hübner, R.R. Tykwinski, N. Burzlaff
Facile Access to Functional Building Blocks of C60 Involving C3-Symmetrical Addition Patterns. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2013. 2013, Issue 23, pp. 5093–5105.
A. Gmehling, A. Hirsch
Giant Fullerene Polyelectrolytes Composed of C60 Building Blocks with an Octahedral Addition Pattern and Discovery of a New Cyclopropanation Reaction Involving Dibromomalonates. Chemistry - A European Journal, Vol. 19. 2013, Issue 9, pp. 3188–3197.
F. Hörmann, A. Hirsch
Structure and chain polarization of long polyynes investigated with
IR and Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 44. 2013, Issue 10, pp. 1398–1410.
N. R. Agarwal, A. Lucotti, D. Fazzi, M. Tommasini, C. Castiglioni, W.A. Chalifoux, R. R. Tykwinski
Carbon rich ruthenium allenylidene complexes bearing
heteroscorpionate ligands. Organometallics, Vol. 33.2014, Issue 19, pp. 5129–5144.
F. Strinitz, J. Tucher, J.A. Januszewski, A.R. Waterloo, P. Stegner, S. Förtsch, E. Hübner, R.R Tykwinski, N. Burzlaff
Cyano-Functionalized Triarylamines on Au(111): Competing Intermolecular versus Molecule/Substrate Interactions. Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol. 1. 2014, Issue 1, 1300025.
S. Gottardi, K. Müller, J. C. Moreno-López, H. Yildirim, U. Meinhardt, M. Kivala, A. Kara, M. Stöhr
Michael Addition of N-unprotected 2-Oxindoles to Nitrostyrene Catalyzed by Bifunctional Tertiary Amines: Crucial role of dispersion interactions. ChemCatChem, Vol. 6. 2014, Issue 5, pp. 1324–1332.
C. Reiter, S. López, B. Schmid, C. Neiss, A. Görling, S. B. Tsogoeva
Oligomers from sp-hybridized carbon: Cumulenes and polyynes. In: Jean-François Nierengarten (ed.), Fullerenes and Other Carbon-Rich Nanostructures. Structure and Bonding, vol 159. 2014, pp 219-256.
S. Frankenberger, J. Januszewski, R.R. Tykwinski
Increased Short Circuit Current in an Azafullerene-Based Organic
Solar Cell. Chemical Communications, Vol. 51. 2015, pp. 1128-1130.
W. Cambarau, U. F. Fritze, A. Viterisi, E. Palomares, M. von Delius
Investigation of pentaarylazafullerenes as acceptor systems for bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 132. 2015, pp. 450-454.
C. D. Wessendorf, R. Eigler, S. Eigler, J. Hanisch, A. Hirsch, E. Ahlswede
Orthoester Exchange: a Tripodal Tool for Dynamic Covalent and Systems Chemistry. Chemical Science, Vol. 6. 2015, pp. 1399-1403.
R.-C. Brachvogel, M. von Delius
Synthesis and Properties of Arylvinylidene-Bridged Triphenylamines.
Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 80. 2015, Issue 4, pp. 2418–2424.
N. Hammer, T. E. Shubina, J.-P. Gisselbrecht, F. Hampel, M. Kivala