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Development of hybrid catalysts for simultaneous metal- and organocatalysis

Applicant Dr. René Tannert
Subject Area Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
Term from 2010 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 184246778
Final Report Year 2012

Final Report Abstract

The goal of this project was the development of a new class of ligands for a combination of metal catalysis with organocatalysis. More specifically, phosphinooxazolines carrying an additional amine functionality were designed as suitable bifunctional ligands for the synergistic combination of enamine activation and Pd-catalyzed allylic substitution. In the course of this project, several synthetic routes to such ligands were investigated. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, the desired bifunctional ligands were finally synthesized and converted into a subset of palladium and iridium complexes. However, the synthesis of the ligands tumed out to be rather difficult, and thus their synthesis was performed with low yields. Therefore, only few experiments conceming the combination of metal- and organocatalysis were executed, and these were not fruitful. More experiments would be necessary in order to determine the feasibility of the project.



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