Recent developments in the field of laser-heated diamond anvil cell research, in the use of multi-anvil devices and in parameter free quantum mechanical model calculations have opened up new opportunities to synthesise, characterise and understand properties of high density materials present in the Earth's mantle and of inorganic compounds crystallising in previously unknown structure types.
Based on these methods, projects within the Priority Programme will address the question: Which novel phases can be synthesised at extreme HP/HT conditions, what are their physical properties (including stabilities) and how can an understanding of structure-property relations be exploited to extend our knowledge on the crystal chemistry, crystal growth, geophysical relevance or the possibility of "rational design" of such new materials?
The specific projects in the Priority Programme will answer fundamental questions in the earth sciences, material sciences and solid state chemistry, which could not have been investigated previously. Projects within the Priority Programme will investigate how to obtain hard and superhard materials, how to systematically understand the crystal chemistry of dense phases, and how structure-property relations change at extremely HP/HT.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Ammonium in high-pressure minerals - a sink for hydrogen and nitrogen in the Earth´s mantle
Heinrich, Wilhelm
B, B-C and B-N compounds at high pressures and hig temperatures
Dubrovinskaia, Natalia
Combining experimental and computational approaches to determine high P and T thermal conductivity of CaGeO3 and MgSiO3 perovskite
Frost, Daniel J.
Coordination of the priority program 1236
Winkler, Björn
Determination of single-crystal elastic properties of olivine and serpentine as a function of chemical composition at conditions of subduction zones up to GPa, 1000°C
Speziale, Sergio
Effect of water in wadsleyite and ringwoodite on the P-T-x coordinates of the wadsleyite-ringwoodite phase transformation: an experimental and thermodynamic study
Koch-Müller, Monika
Elasticity or iron and iron-based alloys at conditions of the Earth`s and planetary cores
Dubrovinsky, Leonid
High-(P,T) properties of tantalum and titanium carbides and nitrides
Winkler, Björn
High (p,T) properties of wide band-gap semiconductors from second harmonic generation measurements
Bayarjargal, Lkhamsuren
High-(p,T) syntheses and characterisation of binary transition metal carbides and nitrides of the period 6 elements with atomic numbers 73-79
Friedrich, Alexandra
High pressure and high temperature synthesis and in-situ characterization of new compounds with special electronic transport properties, using "lone-pair" oxides, fluorides, sulphides and selenides of elements from groups 14-16
Jansen, Martin
High-pressure high temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in laser-heated diamond anvil cells: Applications for the mineralogy of Earths´s lower mantle and core
McCammon, Catherine
High-Pressure High-Temperature Synthesis of Novel Binary and Ternary Superhard Phases in the B-C-N System
Riedel, Ralf
High pressure-induced structural transformations in lead-based perovskite type relaxor ferroelectrics
Mihailova, Boriana
High-Pressure Nitridosilicates, Oxonitridosilicates and Nitridophosphates and Related Binary Nitrides
Schnick, Wolfgang
High-Pressure Synthesis of Gallium Oxonitrides and Indium Oxonitrides and their solid solutions
Huppertz, Hubert
Kinski, Isabel
High-Pressure Synthesis of Novel Binary and Ternary Superhard Phases in the Si-C-N System
Kroll, Peter
Riedel, Ralf
Indium oxide(In2O3) under high pressure: rational design of new polymorphs and characterisation of their physico-chemical properties
Gurlo, Aleksander
Kleebe, Hans-Joachim
Iron dynamics in earth mantle minerals probed by Mössbauer spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
Schünemann, Volker
Laser-heating facility for diamond anvil cells
Winkler, Björn
Magnetic, Electronic and Structural Transitions in Iron Bearing Minerals under Pressure: Theory and Experiment
Pentcheva, Rossitza
Nitride chemistry of geomaterials: Formation, crystal structures and properties of multinary metal nitrides prepared at high pressures
Dronskowski, Richard
Niewa, Rainer
Schwarz, Ulrich
Noble gases in silicate perovskite: Solubility, dissolution mechanism and influence on the equation of state
Keppler, Hans
Phase diagram of ammonia up to 200 GPa, search for ionic phase. Ionic and superionic conductivity of hot solid ammonia
Eremets, Mikhail
Quantum-chemical prediction and computational characterization of high-pressure transitionmetal nitrides and oxynitrides
Dronskowski, Richard
Single-crystal X-ray high-pressure crystallography in excess of 1000°C using new laser and internal heating devices
Dubrovinsky, Leonid
Spinels at elevated Pressure and Temperature: Linking Geo- and Material-Scientific Projects
Schilling, Frank Rüdiger
Synthesis and in-situ characterization of boron-doped superhard nanodiamond materials
Dubrovinsky, Leonid
Synthesis, structure and properties of carbonates at earth-mantle conditions
Depmeier, Wulf
Jahn, Sandro
Systematics of the post-spinel tranisition in Fe-bearing compositions
Frost, Daniel J.
Langenhorst, Falko
Woodland, Alan Butler
The System Si-Al-O-N at Extreme Pressures: A Synthetic and Computational Route to Novel Materials?
Heide, Gerhard
Kortus, Jens
Kroke, Edwin
Water partitioning between coexisting olivine (ol) and wadsleyite (wads) and the effect of the OH-defect concentrations on the P-T-x coordinates of the ol-wads phase transformation
Koch-Müller, Monika