SPP 1236:  Synthesis, "In Situ" Characterisation and Quantum Mechanical Modelling of Earth Materials, Oxides, Carbides and Nitrides at Extremely High Pressures and Temperatures

Subject Area Geosciences
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 18304940

Project Description

Recent developments in the field of laser-heated diamond anvil cell research, in the use of multi-anvil devices and in parameter free quantum mechanical model calculations have opened up new opportunities to synthesise, characterise and understand properties of high density materials present in the Earth's mantle and of inorganic compounds crystallising in previously unknown structure types.
Based on these methods, projects within the Priority Programme will address the question: Which novel phases can be synthesised at extreme HP/HT conditions, what are their physical properties (including stabilities) and how can an understanding of structure-property relations be exploited to extend our knowledge on the crystal chemistry, crystal growth, geophysical relevance or the possibility of "rational design" of such new materials?
The specific projects in the Priority Programme will answer fundamental questions in the earth sciences, material sciences and solid state chemistry, which could not have been investigated previously. Projects within the Priority Programme will investigate how to obtain hard and superhard materials, how to systematically understand the crystal chemistry of dense phases, and how structure-property relations change at extremely HP/HT.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection USA


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Björn Winkler