SFB 953:
Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
Subject Area
Materials Science and Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
from 2012 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 182849149
Synthetic carbon allotropes such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and graphene currently represent one of the most promising materials families with enormous potential for high-performance applications. At the same time they are ideal targets for investigating fundamental chemical and physical questions such as shape- and charge-dependent binding and release of molecules, charge transport in confined spaces, and superior sensing of supramolecular interactions. Because of the almost limitless possibilities of constructing both discrete and extended networks of sp-, sp2-, and sp3-hybridized carbon atoms, many additional and so far unknown modifications with remarkable properties are imaginable. Tapping these exciting possibilities fully, however, still requires overcoming a number of significant hurdles such as high-yield production methods, sorting and separation, developing synthesis protocols for new carbon allotropes, controlled doping with heteroelements, solubilization, chemical functionalization, hierarchically ordered architectures, and layer (single and multiple) formation. Hence, tremendous interdisciplinary efforts are required that systematically combine the expertise of chemists, physicists, engineers, and theoreticians, together with the contributions of high-end analytical instrumentation. The SFB 953 therefore constitutes the ideal forum to advance the field of synthetic carbon allotropes towards the desired goal of creating new materials for high-performance applications. The Collaborative Research Center is structured according to three research areas and two central projects. Research Area A (Synthesis and Functionalization) provides the materials basis of the SFB 953. The investigation of physical and materials properties and the development of concepts for device fabrication is covered in Research Area B (Electronic, Optical, and Structural Properties) and in two scientific central projects (Research Area Z – Characterization / Analysis). This highly integrated and interdisciplinary approach of the SFB 953 also necessitates a close connection with Research Area C (Theory) providing the basis for an in-depth understanding of reaction mechanisms, stability as well as electronic-, optical-, structural-, and mechanical properties.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Unifying Concepts for the Chemistry of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Hirsch, Andreas
A02 - Graphyrins - Graphene-Porphyrin Hybrids
(Project Head
Jux, Norbert
A03 - Process Design Strategies for Advanced Carbon Allotropes and their In-Suspension Analytics
(Project Head
Peukert, Wolfgang
A04 - The Next Generation of Carbon Allotropes: On the Way to Carbyne and Graphyne
(Project Head
Tykwinski, Rik
A05 - Molecular Fragments of Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Allotropes by Chemical Synthesis
(Project Head
Kivala, Milan
A06 - Atomically Precise Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures
(Project Head
Amsharov, Konstantin
A07 - Supramolecular Recognition of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
von Delius, Max
A09 - Caging Carbon: Intercalation of Nano-onions and Supramolecular Encapsulation of SCAs
(Project Head
Pérez-Ojeda Rodríguez, María Eugenia
A10 - Macrocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Covalent-Template Synthesis and Host-Guest Chemistry with Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Kataev, Evgeny
B01 - Controlling the Opto-Electronic Properties of Semiconducting Carbon Allotrope Hetero Junctions by the Design of Nanoparticle Composites
(Project Head
Brabec, Christoph J.
B03 - Morphology and Property Control of SCAs via Self-Assembly
(Project Head
Halik, Marcus
B04 - High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscopy/Spectroscopy of Functionalized Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Maier, Sabine
B05 - Production Processes and Physical Properties of Carbon Allotropes
(Project Heads
Koval, Yuri
Müller, Paul
B06 - Electronic Structure and ManyBody Effects in Doped Graphene
(Project Head
Seyller, Thomas
B07 - Tuning the Surface Chemical Properties of Graphene
(Project Heads
Papp, Christian
Steinrück, Hans-Peter
B08 - Graphene and Organic Molecules: Transport Experiments
(Project Head
Weber, Heiko B.
B09 - Photo- and Electroluminescence of Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Zaumseil, Jana
B10 - Photophysical Characterization of Synthetic Carbon-Allotrope-Based Materials
(Project Head
Guldi, Dirk M.
B11 - Light-Field-Driven Currents in Graphene and Synthetic Carbon Allotropes as Functional Electron Optical Elements
(Project Head
Hommelhoff, Peter
B12 - Controlling Electronic Properties of Individual Synthetic Carbon Allotropes by Physical and Chemical Routes
(Project Head
Krstic, Vojislav
B13 - Optical and vibrational properties of functionalized synthetic carbon allotropes
(Project Head
Maultzsch, Janina
B14 - Electronic Couplings in the Excited States of Crystalline and of Structured Carbon-based Solids
(Project Head
Niesner, Daniel
C01 - Large Scale Simulations on Carbon Allotropes
(Project Heads
Clark, Timothy
Meyer, Bernd
C02 - Formation, Structure, Energetics, and Electronic Properties of Carbon-Rich Molecules and Materials by First-Principles Calculations
(Project Head
Görling, Andreas
C03 - Complex Carbon Allotropes: Defected Graphenes, Composite Materials, and Topological Insulators
(Project Heads
Pankratov, Oleg
Shallcross, Ph.D., Sam
C04 - Theory and Simulation of Charge Transport and Light-Induced Processes in Carbon-Based Molecular Systems
(Project Head
Thoss, Michael
Z01 - Gas-Phase Investigations of Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
(Project Head
Drewello, Thomas
Z02 - Aberration-Corrected High-Resolution and in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Carbon Allotropes and Related Device Structures
(Project Heads
Butz, Benjamin
Spiecker, Erdmann
Z03 - Central SFB Administration
(Project Heads
Hauke, Frank
Hirsch, Andreas