Stochastische Modellierung und Monte-Carlo-Simulation von Röntgenbeugung an relaxierten epitaktischen Schichten

Antragsteller Dr. Vladimir Kaganer
Fachliche Zuordnung Theoretische Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2014
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 182722588


Erstellungsjahr 2014

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Stochastic models for realistic dislocation arrangements in relaxed epitaxial films have been developed and verified by quantitative comparison with the x-ray diffraction experiments on diverse epitaxial systems. Dislocation arrangements and the x-ray diffraction patterns from the following epitaxial systems have been analyzed in collaboration with several experimental groups: misfit dislocations of different types and with different correlations at the interfaces of SiGe/Ge/Si heteroepitaxial multilayers; simultaneously present misfit and threading dislocations in GaN epitaxial films grown by molecular beam and by vapor phase epitaxy; distorted honeycomb structures of misfit dislocations at the interfaces with threefold symmetry, particularly InN/ZnO interface. The Monte Carlo methods have been developed for a direct simulation of the x-ray diffraction patterns from these dislocation structures. Approximate analytical methods have been developed to describe the diffraction profiles. A detailed quantitative comparison of the experimental peak profiles and reciprocal space maps, Monte Carlo simulations, and the analytical approximations has been performed for each epitaxial system. These results allow to propose reliable advanced methods of x-ray analysis of relaxed heteroepitaxial systems. X-ray diffraction from non-periodic films consisting of random layers with different thicknesses has been described in application to the epitaxial sodium bismuth titanate films. The results are applicable to a broad class of epitaxial systems with one-dimensional disorder. The theory of x-ray diffraction peak broadening due to strain fluctuation has been extended to the case of inhomogeneous fluctuations and applied to describe the diffraction peak profiles from self-induced GaN nanowires. The spatial distribution of mean-squared strain in the nanowires has been obtained. A stochastic model explaining the height equilibration in dense nanowire arrays has been proposed and applied to self-induced GaN nanowires. Summarizing, a set of theoretical tools for a comprehensive analytical and numerical description of the x-ray diffraction profiles and reciprocal space maps from various epitaxial systems has been developed and verified in collaboration with several experimental groups.

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