Jugendliche Freizeiträume und der Wandel staatlicher Jugendpolitik. Die Jugendzentrumsbewegung und kommunalpolitische Konflikte um selbstverwaltete Jugendzentren in der Bundesrepublik der 1970er Jahre

Applicant Professor Dr. Axel Schildt (†)
Subject Area Modern and Contemporary History
Term from 2010 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 182721229

Project Description

The project explores the youth center movement in West Germany in the 1970s and the local political conflicts and negotiation processes between juvenile initiative groups and local au-thorities. It builds on current researches on cultural upheavels of the 1960s and 1970s, where younger generations played a central role, and at the same time it examines on the local level a largely unexplored social movement. The youth center movement shall be depicted in its full scope, but local contentions and different forms of development shall also be analyzed on the basis of four case studies focusing on large, medium-sized and small towns. With its perspective on cultural and political upheavels in suburban and provincial/rural regions, - which are characteristic for the youth center movement -, a void in research on contemporary history will be filled.With this renewal proposal funding for a third year is requested. The research is already far advanced. The compilation of primary sources is largely completed and for several aspects of the project the evaluation has begun. Until October 2012 further primary sources will be collected and the evaluation of sources will continue. For the period covered by this proposal the writing of the text is planned.
DFG Programme Research Grants