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Tracing Ignimbrite Calderas and Provenance in Southern Peru

Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Term from 2010 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 182563468
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The Central Andes represent one of the world's largest Miocene ignimbrite provinces. The timing, cause, and location of "ignimbrite flare ups" during the evolution of the Central Andean uplift has been the overriding topic of this project. Unravelling volcano-tectonic structures and calderas with shallow intrusive or subvolcanic stocks, that are often related to mineralization of significant economic value has been an subordinate goal. This second goal turned out to be difficult to follow (for reasons detailed below) and therefore has not been followed as initially envisioned in the proosal. Our efforts were supported by collaboration with Dr. Mirian Mamani (IGEMMET, Peru) and through a collaboration with the Pontifica Universidad de Peru. We applied an integrated approach in attempts to locate the caldera sources of Miocene ignimbrites in southern Peru and to place temporal and genetic constraints on the origin and crust/mantle mass balance of ignimbrite magmatism in the Central Andes through time and space. In doing so, we extended the regional as well as methodological scope to study ignimbrite towards the entire Central Andes, not only to a few selected regions in southern Peru as originally presented n the proposal.



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