SPP 1234:  Phonological and Phonetic Competence: Between Grammar, Signal Processing and Neural Activity

Subject Area Humanities
Term from 2006 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 18181517

Project Description

The Priority Programme contributes to the exploration of human cognitive, articulatory and perceptual abilities dealing with speech sounds. The investigations are at the interface of the sound systems investigated in phonology, the knowledge about articulation, perception, acquisition and processing established in phonetics and psycholinguistics, and the neural correlates of language processing investigated in neurolinguistics.
Points of departure are international approaches of the past decade to relate the results of these disciplines empirically and theoretically. The Priority Programme is to contribute to the clarification and development of different models of the relationships between the disciplines: from phonology, the phonetic grounding of phonological constraints and the theory of functional phonology; from phonetics, the very different exemplar theory and probabilistic linguistics. At the same time, neurophonological and neurophonetic experiments allow for new kinds of investigation of the mental categories that are postulated in linguistics and allow for modelling of the neural basis of these linguistic abilities.
Central topics of investigation are:
(1) entries in the mental lexicon - specified minimally in terms of categorical phonological information or instead a flexible phonetic imprint of the occurrences of a word that have been encountered,
(2) sounds and sound-changing processes - systemic and functional aspects,
(3) prosodic units like syllables and metrical feet, as well as the phonological phrases that are connected to syntactic units of the sentence - systemic-linguistics properties, processing and phonetic consequences,
(4) tones as building blocks of the sentence melody - their relation to the level of linguistic expressions on the one hand, their phonetic realisation (tonal height etc.) and perception on the other.
In addition to the creative use of familiar methods of the investigation of production and perception, modern methods like EEG, MEG and EPA are employed in the investigation of new aspects of these topics. In many cases these methods have not previously been applied to the questions investigated here.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection United Kingdom


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Richard Wiese
Deputies Professor Dr. Grzegorz Dogil (†); Professor Hubert Truckenbrodt, Ph.D.