Final Report Year
No abstract available
Lack of improvement in odor identification by levodopa in humans. Physiol Behav 2008, 93:1024-1029
Rösser N, Berger K, Vomhof P, Knecht S, Breitenstein C, Flöel A
Levodopa improves procedural motor learning in chronic stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2008; 89:1633-41
Rösser N, Heuschmann P, Wersching H, Breitenstein C, Knecht S, Flöel A
Levodopa improves skilled hand functions in the elderly. Eur J Neurosci 2008, 27:1301-7
Flöel A, Vomhof P, Lorenzen A, Rösser N, Breitenstein C, Knecht S
Levodopa increases memory encoding and dopamine release in the striatum in the elderly. Neurobiol Aging 2008; 29:267-279
Flöel A, Garraux G, Ben X; Breitenstein C, Knecht S, Herscovitch P, Cohen LG
Non-invasive brain stimulation improves language learning. J Cogn Neurosci 2008, 20:1415-22
Flöel A, Rösser N, Michka O, Knecht S, Breitenstein C
Pharmacological enhancement of motor recovery in subacute and chronic stroke. NeuroRehab 2008, 23: 95-103
Rösser N, Flöel A
Caloric restriction improves memory in elderly humans. PNAS 2009, 106:1255-60
Witte V, Rösser N, Knecht S, Flöel A
Physical activity and memory functions. An interventional study. Neurobiol Aging 2009 Aug 27th [epub ahead of print]
Ruscheweyh R, Willemer C, Krüger K, Duning T, Breitenstein C, Fobker M, Mooren F, Knecht S, Flöel A
Recovery of Function in Humans: Cortical Stimulation and Pharmacological Treatments after stroke. Neurobiol Dis 2009 June 9th [epub ahead of print]
Flöel A, Cohen LG
White matter integrity in the vicinity of Broca's area predicts grammar learning success. Neuroimage 2009, 47:1974-81
Flöel A, de Vries M, Scholz J, Breitenstein C, Johansen-Berg H
Age affects chunk-based, but not rule-based learning in artificial grammar acquisition. Neurobiol Aging 2010 Nov 17th [epub ahead of print]
Kürten J, de Vries MH, Kowal K, Zwitserlood P, Flöel A
COMT Val158Met Polymorphism modulates cognitive effects of dietary intervention. Front Aging Neurosci 2010, 2:146
Witte AV, Jansen S, Schirmacher A, Young P, Flöel A
Electrical stimulation of Broca's area enhances implicit learning of an artificial grammar. J Cogn Neurosci 2010 [epub ahead of print]
de Vries M, Barth A, Maiworm S, Knecht S, Zwitserlood P, Flöel A
Motor cortex pre-activation facilitates word retrieval in aphasia. Neurorehab Neural Repair 2010, 25:178-87
Meinzer M, Breitenstein C, Westerhoff U, Rösser N, Sommer J, Harnish S, Lappe M. Knecht S, Flöel A
Physical activity and memory functions in the elderly: Are neurotrophins the missing link? Neuroimage 2010, 49:2756-63
Flöel A, Ruschweyh R, Willemer C, Warnecke T, Breitenstein C, Fobker M, Mooren F, Knecht S
Enhanced rapid-onset cortical plasticity in CADASIL as a possible mechanism of preserved cognition. Cerebral Cortex, 2011 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print]
List J, Duning T, Meinzer M, Kürten J, Schirmacher A, Deppe M, Evers S, Young P, Flöel A
DFG Programme
Research Grants