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Does dopaminergic neuromodulation enhance procedural motor learning an activities of daily living in healthy elderly subjects and in patients with chronic motor deficits after stroke? Which mechanisms underlie the enhancement?

Subject Area Clinical Neurology; Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology
Term from 2005 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 18080661
Final Report Year 2011

No abstract available


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  • Levodopa improves procedural motor learning in chronic stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2008; 89:1633-41
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  • Levodopa improves skilled hand functions in the elderly. Eur J Neurosci 2008, 27:1301-7
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  • Levodopa increases memory encoding and dopamine release in the striatum in the elderly. Neurobiol Aging 2008; 29:267-279
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  • Non-invasive brain stimulation improves language learning. J Cogn Neurosci 2008, 20:1415-22
    Flöel A, Rösser N, Michka O, Knecht S, Breitenstein C
  • Pharmacological enhancement of motor recovery in subacute and chronic stroke. NeuroRehab 2008, 23: 95-103
    Rösser N, Flöel A
  • Caloric restriction improves memory in elderly humans. PNAS 2009, 106:1255-60
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  • Physical activity and memory functions. An interventional study. Neurobiol Aging 2009 Aug 27th [epub ahead of print]
    Ruscheweyh R, Willemer C, Krüger K, Duning T, Breitenstein C, Fobker M, Mooren F, Knecht S, Flöel A
  • Recovery of Function in Humans: Cortical Stimulation and Pharmacological Treatments after stroke. Neurobiol Dis 2009 June 9th [epub ahead of print]
    Flöel A, Cohen LG
  • White matter integrity in the vicinity of Broca's area predicts grammar learning success. Neuroimage 2009, 47:1974-81
    Flöel A, de Vries M, Scholz J, Breitenstein C, Johansen-Berg H
  • Age affects chunk-based, but not rule-based learning in artificial grammar acquisition. Neurobiol Aging 2010 Nov 17th [epub ahead of print]
    Kürten J, de Vries MH, Kowal K, Zwitserlood P, Flöel A
  • COMT Val158Met Polymorphism modulates cognitive effects of dietary intervention. Front Aging Neurosci 2010, 2:146
    Witte AV, Jansen S, Schirmacher A, Young P, Flöel A
  • Electrical stimulation of Broca's area enhances implicit learning of an artificial grammar. J Cogn Neurosci 2010 [epub ahead of print]
    de Vries M, Barth A, Maiworm S, Knecht S, Zwitserlood P, Flöel A
  • Motor cortex pre-activation facilitates word retrieval in aphasia. Neurorehab Neural Repair 2010, 25:178-87
    Meinzer M, Breitenstein C, Westerhoff U, Rösser N, Sommer J, Harnish S, Lappe M. Knecht S, Flöel A
  • Physical activity and memory functions in the elderly: Are neurotrophins the missing link? Neuroimage 2010, 49:2756-63
    Flöel A, Ruschweyh R, Willemer C, Warnecke T, Breitenstein C, Fobker M, Mooren F, Knecht S
  • Enhanced rapid-onset cortical plasticity in CADASIL as a possible mechanism of preserved cognition. Cerebral Cortex, 2011 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print]
    List J, Duning T, Meinzer M, Kürten J, Schirmacher A, Deppe M, Evers S, Young P, Flöel A

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