Spectral function of highly-correlated electron systems
Final Report Abstract
We developed new tools for investigating the spectral function of realistic strongly correlated systems by combining the accurate of first-principle density-functional calculations in local density approximation (LDA) with complex many-body dynamical meanfield theory (DMFT). The general basis set of LDA+DMFT scheme based on the projector technique have been constructed. The reliable spectral function on real energy axes is investigate by means of LDA+DMFT calculations with numerically exact impurity solvers. For this purpose we generalized the efficient Lanczos formalism to the multiorbital case and non-zero temperature. We compare this scheme with standard Hirsch-Fye Quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) formalism and with recently developed continuous-time QMC scheme. The stable results for spectral functions was obtained by the temperature Lanczos scheme since the CT-QMC scheme has problem of analytical continuation on the real axes. Results of spectral funuction calculations for different correlated systems were presented.
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