We apply here for funds to operate the newly developed tracer instrument GhOST-MS on HALO during the TACTS/SALSA, POLSTRACC, SHIVA (extension) and CIRRUS-RS missions. The scientific objectives of these missions range from chemistry in the upper tropical troposphere to transport studies. GhOST-MS is an in-situ Gaschromatograh (GC) which was developed during phase I of the HALO priority programme in the combined project FACT. GhOST-MS has three channels: two ECD (electron capture detector) channels measuring long-lived trace gases (N2O and SF6/CFC-12) and one MS (mass spectrometer) channel which can measure a large suite of halocarbons. These species serve as chemical and dynamical tracers to investigate the halogen budgets of the tropopause region and the exchange of air masses between the upper troposphere (UT) and the lowermost stratosphere LMS). Depending on the scientific questions, GhOST-MS can be flexibly tuned to specific compounds. For transport studies the task is the measurements of tracers spanning a wide range of atmospheric lifetimes, while for chemical budget studies it is important to measure the relevant source gases e.g. the complete bromine family. The work proposed here includes the final certification of GhOST-MS, the preparation for the campaigns, the field operations, the data retrieval and the first scientific studies with the data.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes