Project Details
Genome-wide dissection of genotype-phenotype relationships in the longitudinal course of psychosis
Professor Dr. Thomas G. Schulze
Subject Area
Biological Psychiatry
from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 160201488
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Managing sensitive phenotypic data and biomaterial in large-scale collaborative psychiatric genetic research projects: practical considerations. Mol Psychiatry 2012 17: 1180-85
Demiroglu SY, Skrowny D, Quade M, Schwanke J, Budde M, Gullatz V, Reich-Erkelenz D, Jakob JJ, Falkai P, Rienhoff O, Helbing K, Heilbronner U, Schulze TG
The "DGPPN-Cohort": a national collaboration initiative by the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN) for establishing a large-scale cohort of psychiatric patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2013 263(8): 695-701
Anderson-Schmidt H, ..., Schulze TG
Neuropsychological correlates of the course of bipolar disorder. Harvard Rev Psychiatry 2014 22(6): 342-7
Budde M, Schulze TG
Effect of copy number variant burden on Global Assessment of Functioning in schizophrenia. Psychiatr Genet 2016 26(4): 184-5
Heilbronner U, Gade K, Herms S, Strohmaier J, Lang M, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Schulze TG, Degenhardt F