Projekt Druckansicht

3D density modelling of Central Europe by an interdisciplinary interpretation of the CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiments.

Fachliche Zuordnung Physik des Erdkörpers
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 17935808
Due to a complicated tectonic evolution and a complex lithospheric structure in Central Europe, this region has been a subject to numerous geological and geophysical experiments already in the past. Recently, beginning in 1997, many refraction seismic experiments have been conducted in the region of Central Europe. These international experiments, such as POLONAISE 97, CELEBRATION 2000 followed by the ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003 and BOHEMIA teleseismic experiment are bringing new insights into the structure and evolution of the lithosphere in this region. Two-dimensional models were developed based on the simultaneous modelling of the surface heat flow, gravity and topography data. However, a threedimensional model covering the entire Carpathian-Pannonian region, with focus on the Western Carpathians with a very good constraining data coverage, should combine all the available information based on the old and new geological and geophysical results, mainly the recent above named refraction experiments. This would provide the first and well constrained three-dimensional density model of the Central European region, which would contribute a great deal to the primary scientific goals of the new experiments, mostly to those of the CELEBRATION 2000. These goals are namely to develop a 3-D model of the lithospheric structure and geodynamic models for the tectonic evolution of the region. The proposed project would be also an important preparatory work for the EuroArray 4D, multi-disciplinary, pan-European initiative that aim is to explore the 3-dimensional structure and evolution of the European continent in order to develop understanding of the large-scale processes.
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