KFO 142: Molekulare und zelluläre Alterung - Von den Wirkmechanismen zur klinischen Perspektive
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2017
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 17771695
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
The immunogenicity of adenovirus vectors limits the multispecificity of CD8 T-cell responses to vector-encoded transgenic antigens. Molecular Therapy, Vol. 16. 2008, Issue 9, pp. 1609-1616.
Schirmbeck R., Reimann J., Kochanek S., Kreppel F.
Mice with a mutation in the dynein heavy chain 1 gene display sensory neuropathy but lack motor neuron disease. Experimental Neurology, Vol. 215. 2009, Issue 1, pp. 146-152.
Dupuis L., Fergani A., Braunstein K.E., Eschbach J., Holl N., Rene F., Gonzalez De Aguilar J.L., Zoerner B., Schwalenstocker B., Ludolph A.C., Loeffler J.P.
p53 deletion impairs clearance of chromosomal-instable stem cells in aging telomere-dysfunctional mice. Nature Genetics, Vol. 41.2009, pp. 1138–1143.
Begus-Nahrmann Y., Lechel A., Obenauf A.C., Nalapareddy K., Peit E., Hoffmann E., Schlaudraff F., Liss B., Schirmacher P., Kestler H., Danenberg E., Barker N., Clevers H., Speicher M.R., Rudolph K.L.
Reactive oxygen intermediate-induced pathomechanisms contribute to
immunosenescence, chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, Vol. 130. 2009, Issue 9, pp. 564-587.
Peters T., Weiss J.M., Sindrilaru A., Wang H., Oreshkova T., Wlaschek M., Maity P., Reimann J., Scharffetter-Kochanek K.
Imaging Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Marrow of Long Bones In
Vivo. In: M.D. Filippi, H. Geiger (Eds.) Cell Migration Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 750.2011, pp. 215-224.
Kohler A., Geiger H., Gunzer M.
Reversal of UVA Skin Photosensitivity and DNA Damage in kidney transplant recipientsbyreplacingazathioprine. American Journal of Transplantation, Vol. 12. 2012, Issue 1, pp. 218-225.
Hofbauer G.F., Attard N.R., Harwood C.A., McGregor J.M., Dziunycz P., Iotzova-Weiss G., Straub G., Meyer R., Kamenisch Y., Berneburg M., French L.E., Wüthrich R.P., Karran P., Serra A.L.
The cerebro-morphological fingerprint of a progeroid syndrome: white matter changes correlate with neurological symptoms in xeroderma pigmentosum. PLoSOne, Vol. 7. 2012, Issue 2: e30926.
Kassubek J., Sperfeld A.D., Pinkhardt E.H., Unrath A., Müller H.P., Scharffetter-Kochanek K., Ludolph A.C., Berneburg M.
Telomerase stimulates ribosomal DNA transcription under hyperproliferative conditions. Nature Communications, Vol. 5. 2014, Article number 4599.
Gonzalez O.G., Assfalg R., Koch S., Schelling A., Meena J.K., Kraus J., Lechel A., Katz S.F., Benes V., Scharffetter-Kochanek K., Kestler H.A., Günes C., Iben S.
Foxn1 Protein Expression in the Developing, Aging, and Regenerating Thymus.
Journal of Immunology, Vol. 195. 2015, Issue 12, pp. 5678-5687.
Rode I., Martins V.C., Kublbeck G., Maltry N., Tessmer C., Rodewald H.R.
Neuronal redox imbalance results in altered energy homeostasis and early postnatal lethality. FASEB Journal, Vol. 29. 2015, Issue 7, pp. 2843-2858.
Maity-Kumar G., Thal D.R., Baumann B., Scharffetter-Kochanek K., Wirth T.