Aliphatic amines in the tropical marine environment: Sources, budgets and phase partitioning phase II

Applicant Professor Dr. Hartmut Herrmann
Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Analytical Chemistry
Term from 2010 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 175717069

Project Description

The detection of aliphatic amines in sub-micrometer particles in the marine environment suggests that organic salt formation processes may be of significant importance for secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. Moreover, it is suggested that small and highly volatile amines can contribute non-negligible amounts to the nitrogen and carbon cycle in the marine environment. However, their roles in atmospheric chemistry, exact biogenic origins and the formation process are still not well known. Main aim of ALAMARE is the detection of aliphatic amines in the marine environment. By combining bulk ocean water, gas and particle phase amine measurements, we intend to obtain information of their origins and tendency to convert into the particle phase. Furthermore, the project aims on improving our understandings of the connection between the bio-productivity and the amine emission through the field measurements.During ALAMARE first results of amine analysis in aerosol samples deliver a big data set of year round abundance of amines on marine aerosol particles (years 2012 and 2013). A correlation of amines to algae pigments and amine abundance in the atmosphere was found. These results give rise to the need for a comprehensive characterisation of amine abundance regarding important biological, chemical and meteorological parameters parameters that will be performed within ALAMARE II. During ALAMARE no successful method for amine analysis in seawater could however be established. The high salt content and amine abundance in trace level concentrations require a further method development that will be the main focus of ALAMARE II. Three promising analytical techniques are available and deliver a high possibility for a successful analysis of aliphatic amines in seawater. The most suitable method, also in terms of little solvent consumption and requiring a low amount of sample, will be employed to analyse the seawater samples obtained during the intensive campaigns of ALAMARE. The final comprehensive data interpretation of aliphatic amines in the marine compartments seawater (sea surface microlayer and bulkwater), aerosol and gas phase, will help to understand phase partitioning of the amines and provide new insights in the role of amines in the marine environment.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Co-Investigators Dr. Yoshiteru Iinuma; Dr. Dominik van Pinxteren