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Surface chemical functionalization of semiconductors and oxides for nanotechnology

Applicant Dr. Peter Thissen
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation
Term from 2010 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 175167938
Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

In this project, a case was made for functionalizing oxide-free Si surfaces. More emphasis was placed on direct substitution by methanol as a starting point because of the formation of a nanopatterned surface on atomically flat Si(111) surfaces. This interesting chemically patterned surface was shown to be easily functionalized, making it possible to explore surface chemistry in some detail. As an example, phosphonation of oxide-free surfaces with isolated OH groups was described both on the OH groups and after metal oxide modification of the OH groups with metal salts. It was shown in particular that the fundamentals of phosphonate adsorption could be unraveled by understanding and controlling the formation of mono-, bi- and tri-dentate adsorption. Finally, monolayer doping studies carried out on Si(111) surfaces show that we can perform both n- and p-dopant incorporation into Si, using simplephosphonic and arsonic acids. We anticipate that, with As, the dissociation occurs at lower temperature and shallower junctions can be achieved due to the lower diffusion rate of As compared to P.



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