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GRK 1705:  The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalisation from the 19th Century to the Present

Subject Area History
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 173975782
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

The rise and development of modern metropoles is intrinsically linked to global economic, ecological, political, cultural, and infrastructural networks. The International Graduate Research Program (IRTG) ‘The World in the City’ has investigated the complex relations between globalization and metropolitan development both from a historical and contemporary perspective. It ran in two phases from 2012 to 2015 and 2015 to 2018. Research during the first funding period was dedicated to the question of spatiality in urban settings. The second phase of the program was devoted to questions of temporality and how they have shaped global urban processes. Within the framework of the following four fields of interest, our investigations of temporalities incorporated the past, present and future, as well as the rhythms of urban temporal arrangements (e.g., working hours, leisure time, seasonality) and their influence on metropolitan practices: 1) built metropolitanism: architecture and urban development; 2) metropolitanism on the move: migration and mobility; 3) imaginary metropolitanism: knowledge and communication; 4) ‘natural’ metropolitanism: environment and sustainability. A highly select group of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from all over the world studied the historical and contemporary global interdependencies of metropoles and their temporal effects on built, lived, imagined, and interpreted metropolitan spaces based on an interdisciplinary and transnational exchange of ideas. The work of the IRTG’s doctoral students and postdocs was supervised and supported by an international group of renowned expert scholars with globallyoriented research interests. Our international network of partner institutions in Berlin, New York, and Toronto employed this unique transatlantic research co-operation to promote young scholars. This program of study gave 24 doctoral and 4 postdoctoral fellows in Berlin the opportunity to combine the work on their projects with intensive preparation for the international academic market. The graduate training included a research stay of several months at one of our North American partner universities and/or at another location in a (non-Western) city depending on the fellow’s specific research needs. The IRTG has helped to strengthen German urban research in current international discourses, and served as an interface for the intensive exchange about scientific concepts, new research topics and inter/transdisciplinary methods. Apart from training young scholars who are now active in many fields of urban research in different parts of the world, this IRTG’s transatlantic network helped to promote Berlin as an important site for globally-oriented historical and contemporary urban research.



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