We propose an integration of field studies, thermochronology, sedimentology, and numerical modeling at the active plate corner of the Yakutat - North American subduction zone in SE Alaska (St. Elias orogen). We will reconstruct temperature - time paths from detrital and bedrock geo-/thermochronology samples using thermo-kinematic and erosion models that quantify the range of possible deformation and erosion histories in this region. The data and models will be used to test the controversial hypothesis that plate corners produce rapid and focused deformation and exhumation. Results from this study will be applicable to understanding orogenic processes elsewhere in the world by documenting geodynamic processes at plate corners. In this continuation proposal we present our accomplishments and results of this project that document the spatial extent of rapidly exhuming rocks. In the second part we present our work schedule and goals for the final stage of this project.
DFG Programme
Research Grants