Modeling beech-dominated deciduous forest development based on competitive mechanisms of water and nitrogen partitioning
Fachliche Zuordnung
Ökologie und Biodiversität der Pflanzen und Ökosysteme
Förderung von 2010 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 170769287
In the research group 788 we have adapted, further developed and applied models for simulating stand scale processes and fluxes of water, C and N at the Tuttlingen measurement site. Based on these achievements, the current application focuses on simulation of aboveground and belowground competition between mature trees and regeneration as well as between plants and micro-organisms. We will use the simulation framework MoBiLE together with well parameterized and evaluated sectoral biosphere models that cover microclimate, nutrient and water supply, plant physiology, and tree growth. The growth model will be improved to consider size specific drought effects that are needed to determine the competition strength of a particular social tree class. These improvements rely on the investigation results of the partner project P1. The model system will be evaluated on site and regional scale – also in cooperation with the partner project. It will also used for exploring the effect of microclimate (NW-versus SW slope) on feedbacks between intra- and inter specific competition and thus, for assessing the importance of competition for stand development. Furthermore, we will analyze system responses to predicted changes in environmental conditions and a range of management options on stand development (retrospective and prognostic). Thus, regional growth potentials and site limits for beech dominated forests on calcareous soils will be assessed.