Calcium phosphate bone cements for local therapy of defects of the systemically diseased bone
((02) M02)
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 107540325
In M2, an application system for pasty calcium phosphate cements (CPC) allowing extrusion of CPC in combination with a drug-loaded aqueous phase (hydrogel, solution or suspension) as core/shell structure is to be developed and characterized regarding drug release. The composites consisting of CPC and mesoporous bioactive glass or xerogels (M3) will be further developed and characterized with respect to their application as drug carrier. In addition, strategies for usage of the CPC as carrier for therapeutic antibodies are intended to develop and evaluate. In cooperation with B1 and B13, 3D models for in vitro simulation of osteolyses will be generated.
DFG Programme