GRK 1694:
Elementary Particle Physics at Highest Energy and Precision
Subject Area
Particles, Nuclei and Fields
from 2011 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 169555413
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Am KIT war von 2011 bis 2020 ein Graduiertenkolleg im Bereich experimentelle und theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik maßgeblich an der Ausbildung von 108 Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden beteiligt. Das Forschungsprofil dieses Kollegs orientierte sich an den neuesten Entwicklungen in der Elementarteilchenphysik, bei denen die Karlsruher Gruppen stark mitwirkten. Dazu gehören Experimente am Large Hadron Collider (LHC), der seit 2010 höchste Energien erschließt, und die Präzisionsexperimente Belle/Belle 2 in Tsukuba, Japan und KATRIN in Karlsruhe. In den Bereichen Energie und Präzision wurde physikalisches Neuland betreten: Am LHC untersuchten wir das 2012 entdeckte Higgs-Boson und suchten nach anderen neuen Teilchen und nach Anzeichen für neue Kräfte; bei Belle konnten seltene B-Zerfälle studiert werden, und das KATRIN-Experiment hat nunmehr mit der Datennahme zur absoluten Bestimmung der Neutrinomasse begonnen. Weitere wichtige Aspekte unserer Arbeit waren die Entwicklung von verbesserten Analysemethoden und Detektoren im Bereich der LHC- und der Flavourphysik.
A hierachical NeuroBayes-based algorithm for full reconstruction of B mesons at B factories, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Volume 654, Issue 1, 21 October 2011, Pages 432-440
M. Feindt, F. Keller, M. Kreps, T. Kuhr, S. Neubauer, D. Zander, A. Zupanc
Charm-Baryon-Spektroskopie und Suche nach CP-Verletzung in D0 → KS0 π+ π− bei CDF, KIT (2011)
Felix Wick
Composite Higgs Boson Pair Production at the LHC,JHEP 06 (2011) 020
R. Gröber and M. Mühlleitner
Constraints from the decay Bs0 → µ+µ− and LHC limits on Supersymmetry, Phys.Lett. B705 (2011) 493-497
C. Beskidt, W. de Boer, D.I. Kazakov, F. Ratnikov, E. Ziebarth, V. Zhukov
Constraints on Supersymmetry from Relic Density compared with future Higgs Searches at the LHC, Phys.Lett. B695 (2011) 143-148
C. Beskidt, W. de Boer, D.I. Kazakov, F. Ratnikov, E. Ziebarth, V. Zhukov
Design Implications For Laser Raman Measurement Systems for Tritium Sample-Analysis, Accountancy or Process-Control Applications , Fus. Sci. Tech., 60 (2011) 976-981
M. Schlösser, S. Fischer, M. Sturm, B. Bornschein, R.J. Lewis, H.H. Telle
Determination of Jet Energy Calibration and Transverse Momentum Resolution in CMS, JINST 6 (2011), P11002
S. Chatrchyan et al. [CMS] (GRK 1694: F. Stober)
Determination of jet energy calibration and transverse momentum resolution in CMS, JINST, Vol. 6, P11002 (2011)
CMS Collaboration, (GRK 1694: H. Held)
Hierarchical NeuroBayes-based Algorithm for Full Reconstruction of B Mesons at B Factories, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 654:432-440 (2011)
M. Feindt, F. Keller, M. Kreps, Th. Kuhr, S. Neubauer, D. Zander, A. Zupanc
Higgs boson production in association with a photon via weak boson fusion
K. Arnold, T. Figy, B. Jäger and D. Zeppenfeld
Higgs pair production in the composite Higgs model, PoS CORFU2011 (2011) 021
R. Gröber and M. Mühlleitner
Indirect dark matter searches in our Galaxy in comparison with FERMI data, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Volume 66, Pages 197-201, 2011
W. de Boer, S. Kunz, M. Weber
Jet Performance in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV, CMS-PAS-JME-10-003 (2011)
CMS Collaboration, (GRK1694: H. Held)
Light Stop Decay in the MSSM with Minimal Flavour Violation, JHEP 1104 (2011) 095 JHEP 1104 (2011) 095
M. Mühlleitner and E. Popenda
Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV, CMS-PAS-QCD-10-011 (2010), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 107, P132001 (2011)
CMS Collaboration, (GRK1694: H. Held)
Measurements of the properties of Λc(2595), Λc(2625), Σc(2455) and Σc(2520) baryons, Phys. Rev. D 84, 012003, 2011
CDF Collaboration, (T. Aaltonen et al.)
Messung der exklusiven und inklusiven Verzweigungsverhältnisse vonBs0 → Ds(∗)+Ds(∗)−-Zerfällen bei CDF und Schätzung der Zerfallsbreitendifferenz imBs0 − B¯s0-System, KIT (2011)
Dominik Horn
Moments of heavy-light current correlators up to three loops, Nucl. Phys. B 849, 610 (2011)
J. Hoff, M. Steinhauser
Monitoring of Tritium Purity During Long-Term Circulation in the KATRIN Test Experiment LOOPINO Using Laser Raman Spectroscopy, Fus. Sci. Tech., 60 (2011) 925-930
S. Fischer, M. Sturm, M. Schlösser, B. Bornschein, G. Drexlin, F. Priester, R.J. Lewis, H.H.Telle
Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy, Fusion Science and Technology 60 (2011), no. 3 925–930
S. Fischer, M. Sturm, M. Schlösser, G. Bornschein, B. Drexlin, F. Priester, R. Lewis, and H. Telle
Search for physics beyond the standard model using multilepton signatures in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, Phys. Lett. B 704 (2011) 411
S. Chatrchyan et al. [CMS Collaboration], (GRK1694: D. Troendle)
Simultaneous decoupling of bottom and charm quarks, JHEP 1109 (2011) 066
A. G. Grozin, M. Höschele, J. Hoff, M. Steinhauser
Three-loop anomalous dimensions for squarks in supersymmetric QCD, Phys.Lett. B703 (2011) 51-59
T. Hermann, L. Mihaila, M. Steinhauser
Unitarity Triangle Angle Measurements, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines, PoS Beauty 2011, 44: 1-6 (2011)
M. Röhrken
VBFNLO: A Parton Level Monte Carlo for Processes with Electroweak Bosons – Manual for Version 2.5.0
K. Arnold, J. Bellm, G. Bozzi, M. Brieg, F. Campanario, C. Englert, B. Feigl and J. Frank et al.
Accuracy of the Laser Raman system for KATRIN, in Proc. of the Int. School of Phys. “Enrico Fermi”, Course CLXXXII “Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics”, ed. G. Bellini (IOS, Amsterdam; SIF, Bologna) 2012, 333-336
M. Schlösser, S. Fischer, M. Hötzel and W. Käfer
Accuracy of the laser raman system for KATRIN, vol. 182, pp. 333–336, 2012
M. Schlösser, S. Fischer, M. Hötzel, and W. Käfer
Adler Function, Sum Rules and Crewther Relation of Order O(αs4) : the Singlet Case, Phys. Lett. B 714 (2012) 62
P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kühn and J. Rittinger
Analysis of the NMSSM Higgs Boson Masses at One-Loop Level, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 075024
K. Ender (verh. Walz), T. Graf, M. Mühlleitner and H. Rzehak
Background due to stored electrons following nuclear decays at the KATRIN experiment and its impact on the neutrino mass sensitivity, Astroparticle Physics (2012)
S. Mertens, G. Drexlin, D. Furse, F. Glück, S. Görhardt, M. Hötzel, W. Käfer, B. Leiber, N.Wandkowsky, J. Wolf
B¯ → Xsγ in the Two Higgs Doublet Model up to Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order in QCD, JHEP 11 (2012), 036
Thomas Hermann, Mikolaj Misiak, Matthias Steinhauser
CMS Technical Design Report for the Pixel Detector Upgrade, CERN-LHCC-2012-016 (2012)
A. Dominguez et al., (GRK 1694: C. Barth, C. Böser, T. Hauth, S. Heindl, A. Kornmayer,F. Stober, D. Troendler)
Complete O(αs4) QCD Corrections to Hadronic Z-Decays, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 222003
P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kühn and J. Rittinger
Constraints on Supersymmetry from LHC data on SUSY searches and Higgs bosons combined with cosmology and direct dark matter searches, Eur. Phys. J. C72 (2012) 2166
Beskidt, C. and de Boer, W. and Kazakov, D. I. and Ratnikov, F
DEPFET active pixel detectors for a future linear e+e− collider, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (2012), no. 2 1457
DEPFET Collaboration, Alonso, O. et al. (GRK 1694: S. Heindl)
Electroweak corrections to W-boson pair production at the LHC, JHEP 1211 (2012) 093
A. Bierweiler, T. Kasprzik, J. H. Kühn and S. Uccirati
Evolution of silicon sensor characteristics of the CMS silicon strip tracker, CMS Collaboration, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth., vol. A699, p. 178-183, 2012
CMS Collaboration (GRK 1694: C. Barth)
Geant4 Simulation of a filtered X-ray Source for Radiation Damage Studies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 675 (2012) 118-122
M. Guthoff, O. Brovchenko, W. de Boer, A. Dierlamm, T. Müller, A. Ritter, M. Schmanau, H.J.Simonis
Herwig++ 2.6 Release Note
K. Arnold, L. d’Errico, S. Gieseke, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, A. Papaefstathiou, S. Platzer and P. Richardson et al.
Higgs Boson Masses in the Complex NMSSM at One-Loop Level, JHEP 10 (2012) 122
T. Graf, R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, H. Rzehak and K. Walz
Higgs Boson Masses in the Complex NMSSM at One-Loop Level, JHEP 1210 (2012) 122
T. Graf, R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, H. Rzehak and K. Walz
Higgs Low-Energy Theorem (and its corrections) in Composite Models, JHEP 10 (2012) 004
M. Gillioz, R. Gröber, C. Grojean, M. Mühlleitner and E. Salvioni
Inclusive b-jet production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV, JHEP 04 (2012)
S. Chatrchyan et al. [CMS], (GRK 1694: H. Held)
Korrekturen Höherer Ordnung zu Supersymmetrischen Produktions- und Zerfallsprozessen, KIT (2012)
Eva Popenda
Laser Raman Spectroscopy for KATRIN, Nucl. Phys. B - Proc. Supp. 229-232 (2012) 492
S. Fischer, M. Sturm, M. Schlösser, R. J. Lewis, B. Bornschein, G. Drexlin, H.H. Telle
Laser raman spectroscopy for KATRIN, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 229-232 (2012) 492
S. Fischer, M. Sturm, M. Schlösser, R. Lewis, B. Bornschein, G. Drexlin, and H. Telle
Measurement of Bs0 → Ds(∗)+Ds(∗)− Branching Ratios, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 201801
T. Aaltonen et al. [CDF Collaboration], (GRK 1694: D. Horn)
Measurement of CP-violation asymmetries in D0 → KSπ+π−, Phys. Rev. D86 (2012) 032007
CDF Collaboration (T. Aaltonen et al.)
Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in Top Quark Pair Production, Phys. Lett. B 709 (2012), pages 28–49
CMS Collaboration
Measurement of the Jet Momentum Resolution and Search for a light Standard Model Higgs Boson in the H(b¯b)W (ℓν) Channel with the CMS Detector at the LHC, KIT (2012)
Hauke Held
Measurement of the three-jet mass cross-section at 7TeV, KIT (2012)
Fred-Markus Stober
Measurements of Branching Fractions and Time-dependent CP Violating Asymmetries in B0 → D(∗)±D∓ Decays, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012), 091106
M. Röhrken et al. (Belle Collaboration)
Moments of heavy quark correlators with two masses: exact mass dependence to three loops, Nucl. Phys. B 864 (2012) 580
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, P. Marquard and M. Steinhauser
Moments of heavy quark correlators with two masses: exact mass dependence to three loops, Nucl. Phys. B 864, 580 (2012)
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, P. Marquard, M. Steinhauser
Moments of heavy quark correlators with two masses: exact mass dependence to three loops, Nuclear Physics B 864 (2012)
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, P. Marquard und M. Steinhauser
Monitoring of the operating parameters of the KATRIN Windowless Gaseous Tritium Source, New J. Phys., 14 (2012) 103046
M. Babutzka, M. Bahr, J. Bonn, B. Bornschein, A. Dieter, G. Drexlin, K. Eitel, S. Fischer, F.Glück, S. Grohmann, M. Hötzel, T. M. James, W. Käfer, M. Leber, B. Monreal, F. Priester M.Röllig, M. Schlösser, U. Schmitt, F. Sharipov, M. Steidl, M. Sturm, H. H. Telle, N. Titov
OPE of the energy-momentum tensor correlator in massless QCD, JHEP 1212 (2012) 119
M. F. Zoller and K. G. Chetyrkin
Overview of R&D at TLK for process and analytical issues on tritium management in breeder blankets of ITER and DEMO, Fus. Eng. Des., 87 (7-8) (2012) 1206-1213
D. Demange, C.G. Alecu, N. Bekris, O. Borisevich, B. Bornschein, S. Fischer, N. Gramlich, Z.Köllö, T. L. Le, R. Michling, F. Priester, M. Röllig, M. Schlösser, S. Stämmler, M. Sturm, R.Wagner, S. Welte
Overview of R&D at TLK for process and analytical issues on tritium management in breeder blankets of iter and demo, Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (2012), no. 7-8 1206–1213
D. Demange, C. Alecu, N. Bekris, O. Borisevich, B. Bornschein, S. Fischer, N. Gramlich, Z. Köllö,T. Le, R. Michling, F. Priester, M. Röllig, M. Schlösser, S. Stämmler, M. Sturm, R. Wagner, and S. Welte
Performance of Jets and Missing Transverse Energy in CMS, 36th International Conference on High Energy Physics, 2012, PoS(ICHEP2012)506
Joram Berger on behalf of CMS
Production of Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia at CDF, DESY-PROC-2012-02/202 (2012)
Manuel Kambeitz (im Namen der CDF-Kollaboration)
Search for B → h(∗)νν¯ decays at Belle and development of track finding for Belle II, KIT (2012)
Oksana Lutz
Search for Supersymmetry using Multileptonic Signatures in Proton-Proton Collisions with the CMS Detector at the LHC, KIT (2012)
Daniel Tröndle
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson decaying to Bottom Quarks in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV, CMS-PAS-HIG-11-012 (2011), CMS-PAS-HIG-11-031 (2011), Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 710, No. 2 (2012)
CMS Collaboration, (GRK 1694: H. Held)
Simultaneous Decoupling of Bottom and Charm Quarks, PoS LL 2012, 032 (2012)
A. Grozin, M. Höschele, J. Hoff, M. Steinhauser
Supersymmetry in the Light of Dark Matter and a 125 GeV Higgs Boson, KIT (2012)
Markus Hötzel
The Belle-II DEPFET Pixel Detector at the SuperKEKB Flavour Factory, in Proceedings, 13th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications (ICATPP 2011), pp. 576–580, 2012
M. F. Zoller
Three-loop β-functions for top-Yukawa and the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model, JHEP 1206 (2012) 033
K. G. Chetyrkin and M. F. Zoller
Time-Dependent CP Violation Measurements in Neutral B Meson to Double-Charm Decays at the Japanese Belle Experiment, KIT (2012)
Markus Röhrken
Totale Zerfallsrate des Z-Bosons nach Hadronen zur Ordnung αs4, KIT (2012)
Jörg Rittinger
Vector Correlator in Massless QCD at Order O(αs4) and the QED beta-function at Five Loop, JHEP 1207 (2012) 017
P. A. Baikov, K. G. Chetyrkin, J. H. Kühn and J. Rittinger
Where is SUSY?, JHEP 05 (2012) 094
Beskidt, C. and de Boer, W. and Kazakov, D. I. and Ratnikov, F
A comparison of the Higgs sectors of the CMSSM and NMSSM for a 126 GeV Higgs boson, Phys. Lett. B726 (2013) 758–766
Beskidt, C. and de Boer, W. and Kazakov, D. I.
A new implementation of the NMSSM Higgs boson decays, EPJ Web Conf. 49 (2013), 12001
J. Baglio, T. N. Dao, R. Gröber, M. M. Mühlleitner, H. Rzehak, M. Spira, J. Streicher and K. Walz
Accurate calibration of the laser raman system for the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment, Journal of Molecular Structure 1044 (2013) 61 – 66
M. Schlösser, S. Rupp, H. Seitz, S. Fischer, B. Bornschein, T. M. James, and H. H. Telle
Accurate depolarization ratio measurements for all diatomic hydrogen isotopologues, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (2013), no. 6 857–865
T. M. James, M. Schlösser, S. Fischer, M. Sturm, B. Bornschein, R. J. Lewis, and H. H. Telle
An algorithm for quantifying dependence in multivariate data sets, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 698 (Jan., 2013) 84–89
Feindt, M. and (GRK 1694: Prim, M.)
Angular analysis of B0 → φK∗ decays and search for CP violation at Belle, Phys. Rev. D88 (2013), no. 7 072004
Belle Collaboration, (GRK 1694: M. Prim)
Automated quantitative spectroscopic analysis combining background subtraction, cosmic ray removal, and peak fitting, Applied Spectroscopy 67 (2013), no. 8 949–959
T. James, M. Schlösser, R. Lewis, S. Fischer, B. Bornschein, and H. Telle
Constraints on Supersymmetry using 5/fb LHC data, PoS ICHEP 2012 (2013) 111
D. Kazakov, C. Beskidt, W. de Boer and F. Ratnikov
Evaluation method for Raman depolarization measurements including geometrical effects and polarization aberrations, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44 (2013), no. 3 453–462
M. Schlösser, T. James, S. Fischer, R. Lewis, B. Bornschein, and H. Telle
Full Reconstruction And Search For Charged Higgs Effects In Semi-Tauonic B Decays, KIT (2013)
Daniel Zander
Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 3. Higgs Properties
S. Heinemeyer et al. [LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Collaboration] (GRK 1694: F. Schissler)
Higgs boson production at the LHC: NNLO partonic cross sections through order ǫ and convolutions with splitting functions to N3LO, Phys.Lett. B721 (2013) 244–251
M. Höschele, J. Hoff, A. Pak, M. Steinhauser, and T. Ueda
Higgs Pair Production in Composite Higgs Models at the ILC, 3rd Linear Collider Forum, DESY, Hamburg, 352–363 (2013)
R. Gröber and M. Mühlleitner
Higher Order Corrections to the Trilinear Higgs Self-Couplings in the Real NMSSM, JHEP 1311 (2013) 181
D. T. Nhung, M. Mühlleitner, J. Streicher, and K. Walz
In-line calibration of raman systems for analysis of gas mixtures of hydrogen isotopologues with sub-percent accuracy, Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013), no. 5 2739–2745
M. Schlösser, H. Seitz, S. Rupp, P. Herwig, C. G. Alecu, M. Sturm, and B. Bornschein
Matching Squark Pair Production at NLO with Parton Showers, JHEP 1310 (2013) 187
R. Gavin, C. Hangst, M. Krämer, M. Mühlleitner, M. Pellen, et al.
Modeling of electron emission processes accompanying radon-alpha-decays within electrostatic spectrometers, New Journal of Physics 15 (2013) 083040
N. Wandkowsky, G. Drexlin, S. Groh, et al.
Natural NMSSM Higgs Bosons, Nucl.Phys. B870 (2013) 323–352
S. King, M. Mühlleitner, R. Nevzorov, and K. Walz
NLO QCD corrections to W ZJJ production at the LHC
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. Ninh and D. Zeppenfeld
On the Higgs boson pair production at the LHC, Nucl.Phys. B875 (2013) 1–17
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, K. Melnikov, and M. Steinhauser
Parton Shower Effects on W and Z Production via Vector Boson Fusion at NLO QCD, JHEP 1304 (2013) 057
F. Schissler and D. Zeppenfeld
Partonschauer-Simulationen in der Ära des LHC, KIT (2013)
Ken Arnold
Penguin diagrams in the charm sector in K+ → π+ν ¯nu, Nucl. Phys. B 871 (2013) 485
J. Mondejar and J. Rittinger
Physics at TeV Colliders: New Physics Working Group Report
G. Brooijmans et al., (GRK 1694: R. Gröber and K.Walz)
Physikalische Analyse des Ansprechverhaltens des CMS Siliziumdetektors beim Betrieb am LHC, KIT (2013)
Christian Barth
Release Note - VBFNLO 2.7.0
J. Baglio, J. Bellm, F. Campanario, B. Feigl, J. Frank, T. Figy, M. Kerner, L. Ninh, S. Palmer,M. Rauch, R. Roth, F. Schissler, O. Schlimpert and D. Zeppenfeld
Search for B → h(∗)νν¯ with the full Belle Υ(4S) data sample, Phys. Rev. D87 (2013) 111103
Belle collaboration (GRK 1694: O. Lutz)
Searches for the Higgs-like boson decaying into bottom quarks in the WH channel, EPJ Web of Conferences 60 (2013) 20046
Böser, Christian
Spin-2 resonances in vector-boson-fusion processes at next-to-leading order QCD, Phys.Rev. D87 (2013), no. 5 055020
J. Frank, M. Rauch, and D. Zeppenfeld
The measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC: theoretical status, JHEP 1304 (2013) 151
J. Baglio, A. Djouadi, R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, J. Quevillon, et al.
The thermal behaviour of the tritium source in KATRIN, Cryogenics 55-56 (2013) 5-11
S. Grohmann, T. Bode, M. Hötzel, H. Schön, M. Süsser, T. Wahl
Three-loop QCD corrections to Bs → µ+µ−, JHEP 12 (2013) 097
T. Hermann, M. Misiak, and M. Steinhauser
Untersuchung neuartiger Sensorkonzepte und Entwicklung eines effektiven Modells der Strahlenschädigung für die Simulation hochbestrahlter Silizium-Teilchendetektoren, KIT (2013)
Robert Eber
Validation of a model for radon-induced background processes in electrostatic spectrometers, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 40 (2013), no. 8 085102
N. Wandkowsky, G. Drexlin, F. M. Fränkle, F. Glück, S. Groh, and S. Mertens
Vector-boson pair production at the LHC to O(α3) accuracy, JHEP 1312 (2013) 071
A. Bierweiler, T. Kasprzik, and J. H. Kühn
WZ Production in Association with Two Jets at Next-to-Leading Order in QCD, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 052003
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, and D. Zeppenfeld
β-function for the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model at three-loop level, JHEP 1304 (2013) 091
K. Chetyrkin and M. Zoller
A Data-Analysis and Data-Optimization Framework for the KATRIN Experiment, KIT (2014)
Marco Kleesiek
Adequate bases of phase space master integrals for gg → h at NNLO and beyond, JHEP 09 (2014) 116
M. Höschele, J. Hoff, and T. Ueda
Aspects of Higgs Physics and New Physics at the LHC, KIT (2014)
Ramona Gröber
Bs → µ+µ− in the SM and B¯ → Xsγ in the 2HDM at NNLO in QCD, PoS RADCOR 2013 (2014) 002
T. Hermann
Bs,d → ℓ+ℓ− in the Standard Model with Reduced Theoretical Uncertainty, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 101801
C. Bobeth, M. Gorbahn, T. Hermann, M. Misiak, E. Stamou, and M. Steinhauser
Development of Radiation Damage Models for Irradiated Silicon Sensors Using TCAD Tools, PoS TIPP2014 (2014) 276
Dalal, Ranjeet et al. (GRK 1694: R. Eber)
Development of radiation tolerant silicon sensors, in Proceedings, 13th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD13), vol. 9, p. C02024, 2014
RD50 Collaboration, (GRK 1694: R. Eber)
Discovery Prospects for NMSSM Higgs Bosons at the High-Energy Large Hadron Collider, Phys. Rev. D90 (2014), no. 9 095014
S. F. King, M. Mühlleitner, R. Nevzorov, and K. Walz
Dreischleifen-Betafunktionen und die Stabilität des Vakuums im Standardmodell, KIT (2014)
Max Zoller
Electron and Positron Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 121102
AMS Collaboration, Aguilar, M. and others (GRK 1694: S. Kunz)
Evidence for the 125 GeV Higgs boson decaying to a pair of τ leptons, JHEP 05 (2014) 104
CMS Collaboration, Chatrchyan, Serguei et al. (GRK 1694: J. Berger, F. Frensch, R. Friese, T. Müller)
Evidence for the direct decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to fermions, Nature Phys. 10 (2014)
CMS Collaboration, Chatrchyan, Serguei et al. (GRK 1694: J. Berger, C. Böser, F. Frensch, R. Friese, T. Müller)
Higgs boson pair production at the LHC: top-quark mass effects at next-to-leading order, PoS RADCOR 2013 (2014) 006
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, K. Melnikov and M. Steinhauser
Higgs Spin Determination and Unitarity of Vector-boson Scattering at the LHC, KIT (2014)
Jessica Frank
Higgs Spin Determination in the WW channel and beyond, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 2918
J. Frank, M. Rauch, and D. Zeppenfeld
High Statistics Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5–500 GeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 121101
L. Accardo et al. [AMS Collaboration], (GRK 1694: S. Kunz)
High-voltage monitoring with a solenoid retarding spectrometer at the KATRIN experiment, JINST 9 (2014), no. 06 P06022
M. Erhard, S. Bauer, A. Beglarian, T. Bergmann, J. Bonn, G. Drexlin, J. Goullon, S. Groh,F. Glück, M. Kleesiek, N. Haußmann, T. Höhn, K. Johnston, M. Kraus, J. Reich, O. Rest,K. Schlösser, M. Schupp, M. Slezak, T. Thümmler, D. Venos, C. Weinheimer, S. Wüstling, and M. Zboril
Integration and validation testing for PhEDEx, DBS and DAS with the PhEDEx LifeCycle agent, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 513 (2014), no. 6 062051
C. Böser, T. Chwalek, M. Giffels, V. Kuznetsov and T. Wildish
Light Stop Decays: Implications for LHC Searches
R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, E. Popenda, and A. Wlotzka
Matching Squark Production and Decay at NLO Accuracy with Parton Showers, KIT (2014)
Christian Hangst
Measurement of Jet Multiplicity Distributions in Semileptonic Top Quark Pair Events, in Proceedings, 6th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP2013), Durbach, Germany, September 14-19, 2013, no. DESY-PROC-2014-02, 2013
CMS Collaboration, (GRK 1694: S. D. Williamson)
New Software Techniques in Particle Physics and Improved Track Reconstruction for the CMS Experiment, KIT (2014)
Thomas Hauth
Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to Vector Boson Pair Production in Association with two Jets at the LHC, KIT (2014)
Matthias Kerner
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to W +W + and W −W − production in association with two jets, Phys. Rev. D89 (2014), no. 5 054009
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, and D. Zeppenfeld
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to W γ production in association with two jets, Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014), no. 5 2882
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, and D. Zeppenfeld
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to ZZ production in association with two jets, JHEP 07 (2014) 148
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, and D. Zeppenfeld
NMSSMCALC: A Program Package for the Calculation of Loop-Corrected Higgs Boson Masses and Decay Widths in the (Complex) NMSSM, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014), no. 12 3372–3391
J. Baglio, R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, D. T. Nhung, H. Rzehak, M. Spira, J. Streicher, and K. Walz
O(αs2) corrections to the running top-Yukawa coupling and the mass of the lightest Higgs boson in the MSSM, JHEP 12 (2014) 136
D. Kunz, L. Mihaila, and N. Zerf
Parton Shower Corrections to Vector-Boson Fusion Processes at the Large Hadron Collider in Next-to-Leading Order QCD Precision, KIT (2014)
Franziska Schissler
Parton-shower effects on Higgs boson production via vector-boson fusion in association with three jets, JHEP 07 (2014) 125
B. Jäger, F. Schissler, and D. Zeppenfeld
Precision Measurement of the (e+ + e−) Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 221102
M. Aguilar et al. [AMS Collaboration], (GRK 1694: S. Kunz)
Precision Measurements of Higgs Couplings: Implications for New Physics Scales, J. Phys. G41 (2014) 113001
C. Englert, A. Freitas, M. M. Mühlleitner, T. Plehn, M. Rauch, M. Spira, and K. Walz
Release Note – Vbfnlo-2.6.0
K. Arnold, J. Bellm, G. Bozzi, F. Campanario, C. Englert, B. Feigl, J. Frank and T. Figy et al.
Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of tau leptons in pp collisions, JHEP 10 (2014) 160
CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan, Vardan and others (GRK 1694: F. Frensch)
Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W or a Z boson and decaying to bottom quarks, Phys. Rev. D89 (2014), no. 1 012003
CMS Collaboration, Chatrchyan, Serguei and others (GRK 1694: C. Böser)
Seltene B-Meson-Zerfälle innerhalb und jenseits des Standardmodells, KIT (2014)
Thomas Hermann
Simulations of Inter-Strip Capacitance and Resistance for the Design of the CMS Tracker Upgrade, PoS TIPP2014 (2014) 279
Eichhorn, Thomas et al. (GRK 1694: R. Eber)
Squark Production and Decay at NLO matched with Parton Showers, PoS DIS2014, 125 (2014)
R. Gavin, C. Hangst, M. Krämer, M. Mühlleitner, M. Pellen, E. Popenda and M. Spira
Study of orbitally excited B mesons and evidence for a new Bπ resonance, Phys. Rev. D90 (2014), no. 1 012013
CDF Collaboration, Aaltonen, T. A. et al.
Subnucl. Ser. 50 (2014), 557-566
M. F. Zoller
Supersymmetry in the Light of Dark Matter and a 125 GeV Higgs Boson, KIT (2014)
Conny Beskidt
The impact of a 126 GeV Higgs on the neutralino mass, Phys. Lett. B738 (2014) 505–511
Beskidt, C. and de Boer, W. and Kazakov, D. I.
Untersuchung orbital angeregter B(s)-Mesonen und Evidenz für eine neue Bπ-Resonanz mit dem CDF-II-Detektor, KIT (2014)
Manuel Kambeitz
Vacuum stability of the effective Higgs potential in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, Phys.Rev. D90 (2014), no. 3 035025
M. Bobrowski, G. Chalons, W. G. Hollik, and U. Nierste
Vector-like Bottom Quarks in Composite Higgs Models, JHEP 03 (2014) 037
M. Gillioz, R. Gröber, A. Kapuvari, and M. Mühlleitner
Virtual corrections to Higgs boson pair production in the large top quark mass limit, Nucl. Phys. B 888 (2014), 17-29
J. Grigo, K. Melnikov and M. Steinhauser
Zγ production in association with two jets at next-to-leading order QCD, Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2014), no. 9 3085
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, and D. Zeppenfeld
αS extraction and PDF constraints from jet measurements at CMS, PoS DIS2014 (2014) 030
CMS Collaboration, (GRK 1694: G. Sieber)
“MT: A Mathematica package to compute convolutions,” Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 528
M. Höschele, J. Hoff, A. Pak, M. Steinhauser and T. Ueda
A fourfold segmented silicon strip sensor with read-out at the edges, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A788 (2015) 154–160
W. de Boer et al. (GRK 1694: A. Kornmayer)
A Method to Simulate the Observed Surface Properties of Proton Irradiated Silicon Strip Sensors, JINST 10 (2015), no. 04 C04025
CMS Tracker Collaboration, Peltola, Timo et al. (GRK 1694: R. Eber)
An automated framework for hierarchical reconstruction of B mesons at the Belle II experiment, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 608 (2015), no. 1 012048
Feindt, M. et al.
CAPER as Central and Crucial Facility to Support R&D with Tritium at TLK, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 2 308–311
D. Demange, E. Fanghänel, S. Fischer, T. Le, M. Priester, M. Röllig, M. Schlösser, and K. Simon
Constraints on parton distribution functions and extraction of the strong coupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015), no. 6 288
CMS Collaboration, V. Khachatryanet. al (GRK 1694: G. Sieber, F. Stober)
Dalitz analysis of B− → D0π−π0 and B0 → D−π+π0 at the Belle experiment, KIT (2015)
Manuel Heider
Decoupling Coefficients and the Lightest CP-Even Higgs Boson Mass in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, KIT (2015)
David Kunz
Di-boson Production beyond NLO QCD and Anomalous Couplings, Acta Phys. Polon. B46 (2015), no. 11 2165
F. Campanario, M. Rauch, R. Roth, S. Sapeta, and D. Zeppenfeld
Enhanced sensitivity of raman spectroscopy for tritium gas analysis using a metal-lined hollow glass fiber, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 3 547–550
S. Rupp, T. M. James, H. H. Telle, M. Schlösser, and B. Bornschein
Evidence for the 125 GeV Higgs Boson Decaying into Taus at the CMS Experiment, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 260 (2015) 207–210
CMS Collaboration, T. Müller
Exact N3LO results for qq → H + X, JHEP 07 (2015) 140
C. Anzai, A. Hasselhuhn, M. Höschele, J. Hoff, W. Kilgore, M. Steinhauser, and T. Ueda
Exploring the CP-violating NMSSM: EDM Constraints and Phenomenology, Nucl. Phys. B901 (2015) 526
S. F. King, M. Mühlleitner, R. Nevzorov and K. Walz
First calibration measurements of an FTIR absorption spectroscopy system for liquid hydrogen isotopologues for the isotope separation system of fusion power plants, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 2 357–360
R. Größle, A. Beck, B. Bornschein, S. Fischer, A. Kraus, S. Mirz, and S. Rupp
Higgs boson pair production: top quark mass effects at NLO and NNLO, Nucl. Phys. B900 (2015) 412–430
J. Grigo, J. Hoff, and M. Steinhauser
High Performance Data Analysis via Coordinated Caches, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 664 (2015), no. 9 092008
M. Fischer, C. Metzlaff, E. Kuehn, M. Giffels, G. Quast, C. Jung, and T. Hauth
How to make raman-inactive helium visible in raman spectra of tritium-helium gas mixtures, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 3 559–562
M. Schlösser, O. Pakari, S. Rupp, S. Mirz, and S. Fischer
Investigation of durability of optical coatings in highly purified tritium gas, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 2 316–319
S. Fischer, K. Schönung, B. Bornschein, R. Rolli, V. Schäfer, and M. Sturm
Jet Energy Calibration in the 8 TeV pp data, JINST (2015)
CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan, Vardan and others, (GRK 1694: D. Haitz)
Light stop decays into W bχ˜10 near the kinematic threshold, Phys. Lett. B747 (2015) 144–151
R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, E. Popenda, and A. Wlotzka
Measurement of Jet Energy Scale and Resolution at ATLAS and CMS at √s = 8 TeV, in Proceedings, 16th conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering (EDS 15), vol. 8, p. 941, 2015
D. Haitz
Measurement of jet multiplicity distributions in tt production in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV, Eur. Phys. J. C74 (2015) 3014. [Erratum: Eur. Phys. J.C75,no.5,216(2015)]
CMS Collaboration, Chatrchyan, Serguei et al. (GRK 1694: H. Mildner, S. Williamson)
Measurement of the inclusive 3-jet production differential cross section in proton proton collisions at 7 TeV and determination of the strong coupling constant in the TeV range, Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015), no. 5 186
CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan, Vardan et al. (GRK 1694: F. Stober, G. Sieber
Methods for multiloop calculations and Higgs boson production at the LHCs, KIT (2015)
Jens Hoff
Modeling of the response function and measurement of transmission properties of the KATRIN experiment, KIT (2015)
Stefan Groh
Module Production and Qualification for the Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector, PoS EPS-HEP2015 (July, 2015) 242. 7 p.
B. Freund
Neutrinos Meet Supersymmetry: Quantum Aspects of Neutrino Physics in Supersymmetric Theories, KIT (2015)
Wolfgang Hollik
Next-to-Leading Order NMSSM Decays with CP-odd Higgs Bosons and Stops, JHEP 10 (2015), 024
J. Baglio, C. O. Krauss, M. Mühlleitner, and K. Walz
NLO corrections to processes with electroweak bosons at hadron colliders, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 261-262 (2015) 268–307
F. Campanario, M. Kerner, L. D. Ninh, M. Rauch, R. Roth, and D. Zeppenfeld
NLO QCD Corrections to Higgs Pair Production including Dimension-6 Operators, JHEP 09 (2015) 092
R. Gröber, M. Mühlleitner, M. Spira, and J. Streicher
Novel module production methods for the CMS pixel detector, upgrade phase I, JINST 10 (2015), no. 02 C02021
T. Blank, M. Caselle, M. Weber, S. Kudella, F. Colombo, K. Hansen, and S. Arab
Phasenraum-Masterintegrale zur Berechnung der Higgsproduktion in Gluonfusion, KIT (2015)
Maik Höschele
Precise determination of the mass of the Higgs boson and tests of compatibility of its couplings with the standard model predictions using proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV, Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015), no. 5 212
CMS Collaboration, Khachatryan, Vardan and others (GRK 1694: F. Frensch)
QCD radiation in W H and W Z production and anomalous coupling measurements, Phys. Rev. D91 (2015), no. 5 054039
F. Campanario, R. Roth, and D. Zeppenfeld
Radiative generation of neutrino mixing: degenerate masses and threshold corrections, Phys.Rev. D91 (2015), no. 3 033001
W. G. Hollik
Raman spectroscopy at the tritium laboratory Karlsruhe, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015), no. 3 555–558
M. Schlösser, B. Bornschein, S. Fischer, T. M. James, F. Kassel, S. Rupp, M. Sturm, and H. H.Telle
Relative intensity correction of raman systems with national institute of standards and technology standard reference material 2242 in 90◦-scattering geometry, Applied spectroscopy 69 (2015), no. 5 597–607
M. Schlösser, S. Rupp, T. Brunst, and T. M. James
Search for H to bb¯ in association with single top quarks as a test of Higgs boson couplings, in International Conference on High Energy Physics 2014 (ICHEP 2014) Valencia, Spain, July 2-9, 2014, 2015
S. Fink
Search for Higgs Bosons beyond the Standard Model in Proton-Proton Collisions with the CMS Detector at the LHC, KIT (2015)
Felix Frensch
Search for the Higgs Boson in WH and tHq Production Modes with the CMSExperiment, KIT (2015)
Christian Böser
Sensitivity of next-generation tritium beta-decay experiments for kev-scale sterile neutrinos, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (2015), no. 02 020
S. Mertens, T. Lasserre, S. Groh, G. Drexlin, F. Glück, A. Huber, A. Poon, M. Steidl,N. Steinbrink, and C. Weinheimer
Squark Production and Decay matched with Parton Showers at NLO, Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015), no. 1 29
R. Gavin, C. Hangst, M. Krämer, M. Mühlleitner, M. Pellen, E. Popenda, and M. Spira
Studies on the response behaviour of pixel detectors at high collision rates forthe CMS experiment, KIT (2015)
Andreas Kornmayer
The double mass hierarchy pattern: simultaneously understanding quark and lepton mixing, Nucl.Phys. B892 (2015) 364–389
W. G. Hollik and U. J. Saldaña Salazar
The Higgs Sector of the (Complex) NMSSM – Higher Order Corrections and Phenomenological Discussions, KIT (2015)
Anne-Kathrin Walz
The order O (αtαs) corrections to the trilinear Higgs self-couplings in the complex NMSSM, JHEP 12 (2015) 034
M. Mühlleitner, D. T. Nhung, and H. Ziesche
Tritium activity measurements with a photomultiplier in liquids - the trampel experiment, Fusion Engineering and Design (2015)
F. Priester, M. Klein
Two-loop contributions of the order [O (αtαs) to the masses of the Higgs bosons in the CP-violating NMSSM, JHEP 05 (2015) 128
M. Mühlleitner, D. T. Nhung, H. Rzehak, and K. Walz
Alles oder Nichts - Flavourverletzung im Kontext der links-rechts symmetrischen Vereinigung, KIT (2016)
Wolfgang Noll
Calculations and tpmc simulations of the reduction of radioactive decays of a noble gas by cryo-panels, Vacuum (2016)
G. Drexlin, F. Harms, A. Jansen, M. Krause, F. Müller, K. Schlösser et al.
Direct CP violation in K → ππ decays and supersymmetry, PoS ICHEP2016 (2016) 564
T. Kitahara, U. Nierste and P. Tremper
Gauge-independent Renormalization of the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model, JHEP 09 (2016) 143
M. Krause, R. Lorenz, M. Muhlleitner, R. Santos and H. Ziesche
Higher-Order Corrections in Extended Higgs Sectors, KIT (2016)
Hanna Ziesche
Low-cost bump-bonding processes for high energy physics pixel detectors, JINST 11 (2016) C01050
M. Caselle, T. Blank, F. Colombo, A. Dierlamm, U. Husemann, S. Kudella et al.
Measurement of Triple-Differential Dijet Cross Sections with the CMS Detector at 8TeV and PDF Constraints, KIT (2016)
Georg Sieber
Measurements of the top-Higgs coupling with the CMS experiment, KIT (2016)
Hannes Mildner
MS-on-shell quark mass relation up to four loops in QCD and a general SU(N) gauge group, Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 074025
P. Marquard, A. V. Smirnov, V. A. Smirnov, M. Steinhauser and D. Wellmann
Precision Studies of Proton Structure and Jet Energy Scale with the CMS Detector, KIT (2016)
Dominik Haitz
Probing the Top-Yukawa Coupling by Searching for Associated Higgs Boson Production with a Single Top Quark at the CMS Experiment, KIT (2016)
Simon Fink
Search for Higgs-Boson Production in Association with a Top-Quark Pair in the Boosted Regime with the CMS Experiment, KIT (2016)
Shawn Williamson
Search for the decay B → ττ with the Belle experiment, KIT (2016)
Michael Ziegler
Singularity-free next-to-leading order ΔS = 1 renormalization group evolution and ǫK′/ǫK in the Standard Model and beyond, JHEP 12 (2016) 078
T. Kitahara, U. Nierste and P. Tremper
Supersymmetric Explanation of CP Violation in K → ππ Decays, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 091802
T. Kitahara, U. Nierste and P. Tremper
A new model for soft interactions in Herwig, Acta Phys. Polon. B 48 (2017), 1025
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer and F. Loshaj
An Interactive and Comprehensive Working Environment for High-Energy Physics Software with Python and Jupyter Notebooks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898 (2017) 072020
N. Braun, T. Hauth, C. Pulvermacher and M. Ritter
Completing the hadronic Higgs boson decay at order αs4, Nucl. Phys. B920 (2017) 20
J. Davies, M. Steinhauser and D. Wellmann
Confining the Higgs sector via the investigation of di-tau final states with LHC RunII data, KIT (2017)
Rene Caspart
E6Tensors: A Mathematica Package for E6 Tensors, Comput. Phys. Commun. 213 (2017) 130
T. Deppisch
First calibration of an ir absorption spectroscopy system for the measurement of h2, d2, and hd concentration in the liquid phase, Fusion Science and Technology 71 (2017) 369
R. Groessle, A. Kraus, S. Mirz and S. Wozniewski
Gauge-independent Renormalization of the N2HDM, JHEP 12 (2017), 077
M. Krause, D. López-Val, M. Mühlleitner and R. Santos
Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector
D. de Florian et al.
Herwig 7.1 Release Note
J. Bellm, S. Gieseke, D. Grellscheid, P. Kirchgaeßer, F. Loshaj, G. Nail, A. Papaefstathiou,S. Plätzer, R. Podskubka, M. Rauch, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, P. Schichtel, M. H. Seymour,A. Siodmok and S. Webster
Higgs-to-higgs boson decays in a 2HDM at next-to-leading order, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) no.7, 075019
M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos and H. Ziesche
Impact of ADC non-linearities on the sensitivity to sterile keV neutrinos with a KATRIN-like experiment, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 848 (2017) 127 1608.03158
K. Dolde, S. Mertens, D. Radford, T. Bode, A. Huber, M. Korzeczek et al.
Machine learning algorithms for the Belle II experiment and their validation on Belledata, KIT (2017)
Thonas Keck
Migrating the Belle II collaborative services and tools, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898 (2017) 102014
N. Braun, D. Dossett, M. Dramburg, O. Frost, A. Gellrich, J. Grygier et al.
On-demand provisioning of HEP compute resources on cloud sites and shared HPC centers, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 898 (2017) 052021
G. Erli, F. Fischer, G. Fleig, M. Giffels, T. Hauth, G. Quast et al.
Parametrically enhanced two-loop contributions to b → sγ in aTwo-Higgs-Doublet Model, KIT (2017)
Christoph Wiegand
Precise Predictions for LHC Cross Sections and Phenomenology beyond NLO, KIT (2017)
Robin Roth
Recent progress on CP violation in K → ππ decays in the SM and a supersymmetric solution, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 800 (2017) 012019
T. Kitahara, U. Nierste and P. Tremper
Results of the first Cool-down of the KATRIN Cryogenic Pumping Section, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 888 (2017) 012228
C. Röttele
Search for B → hνν¯ decays with semileptonic tagging at Belle, Phys. Rev. D96 (2017) 091101
Belle collaboration (GRK 1694: J. Grygier)
Soft and diffractive scattering
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer and F. Loshaj
Soft and diffractive scattering with the cluster model in Herwig, Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) 156
S. Gieseke, F. Loshaj and P. Kirchgaeßer
Soft Interactions in Herwig
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer and F. Loshaj
Statistical sensitivity on right-handed currents in presence of eV scale sterile neutrinos with KATRIN, JCAP 1706 (2017) 015
N. M. N. Steinbrink, F. Glück, F. Heizmann, M. Kleesiek, K. Valerius, C. Weinheimer et al.
Strong First Order Electroweak Phase Transition in the CP-Conserving 2HDM Revisited, JHEP 02 (2017), 121
P. Basler, M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner, J. Wittbrodt and A. Wlotzka
The track finding algorithm of the Belle II vertex detectors, EPJ Web of Conferences 150 (2017) 00007
T. Bilka, N. Braun, G. Casarosa, O. Frost, R. Frühwirth, T. Hauth et al.
Top-Flavoured Dark Matter in Dark Minimal Flavour Violation, JHEP 05 (2017) 162
M. Blanke and S. Kast
Two-loop electroweak corrections to Higgs-gluon couplings to higher orders in the dimensional regularization parameter, Nucl. Phys. B916 (2017) 709
M. Bonetti, K. Melnikov and L. Tancredi
“Test Beam Performance Measurements for the Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Pixel Detector,” JINST 12 (2017) no.05, P05022
M. Dragicevic et al. (GRK 1694: C. Barth, B. Freund, S. Heindl, A. Kornmeyer,S. Kudella)
A grand-unified Nelson-Barr model, Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 910
J. Schwichtenberg, P. Tremper and R. Ziegler
A Realistic U(2) Model of Flavor, JHEP 08 (2018) 058
M. Linster and R. Ziegler, A
Aspects of CP Violation - An E6 Symmetric Nelson-Barr Model and a Supersymmetric Solution to ǫK′/ǫK, KIT (2018)
Paul Tremper
B2BII: Data Conversion from Belle to Belle II, Computing and Software for Big Science 2 (2018) 9
M. Gelb, T. Keck, M. Prim, H. Atmacan, J. Gemmler, R. Itoh et al.
Baryon production from cluster hadronisation, Eur. Phys. J. C78 (2018) 99
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer and S. Plätzer
Colour Reconnection from Soft Gluon Evolution, JHEP 11 (2018) 149
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer, S. Plätzer and A. Siodmok
Combinatorial Kalman Filter and High Level Trigger Reconstruction for the Belle II Experiment, KIT (2018)
Nils Braun
Dark matter in E6 Grand unification, JHEP 02 (2018) 016
J. Schwichtenberg
Double-Higgs boson production in the high-energy limit: planar master integrals, JHEP 03 (2018) 048
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser and D. Wellmann
Flavoured Dark Matter Moving Left, JHEP 02 (2018) 105
M. Blanke, S. Das and S. Kast
Gauge and Yukawa coupling beta functions of two-Higgs-doublet models to three-loop order, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 015016
F. Herren, L. Mihaila and M. Steinhauser
High scale impact in alignment and decoupling in two-Higgs doublet models, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 095024
P. Basler, P. M. Ferreira, M. Mühlleitner and R. Santos
Higher order corrections to mixed QCD-EW contributions to Higgs boson production in gluon fusion, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 056017
M. Bonetti, K. Melnikov and L. Tancredi
Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV, JINST 13 (2018) P05011
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: El Morabit)
Measurement of the tt+≥1 b-jet cross section using novel analysis techniques at the CMS detector, KIT (2018)
Marco Alexander Harrendorf
Modelling of gas dynamical properties of the KATRIN tritium source and implications for the neutrino mass measurement, Vacuum 158 (2018) 195
L. Kuckert, F. Heizmann, G. Drexlin, F. Glück, M. Hötzel, M. Kleesiek et al.
NLO mixed QCD-EW corrections to Higgs gluon fusion, PoS LL2018 (2018) 059
M. Bonetti
Nonminimal 331 model for lepton flavor universality violation in b→sℓℓ decays, Phys. Rev. D98 (2018) 115030
S. Descotes-Genon, M. Moscati and G. Ricciardi
Observation of Higgs boson decay to bottom quarks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 121801
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: Keicher, Harrendorf, El Morabit, Wassmer)
Observation of ttH production, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 231801
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: Keicher, Harrendorf, El Morabit, Wassmer)
Search for additional neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the ττ final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, JHEP 09 (2018) 007
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: A. Gottmann, J. Bechtel)
Search for the Rare Decay B+ → ℓ+νℓγ with the Full Event Interpretation at the Belle Experiment, KIT (2018)
Moritz Gelb
Search for the rare decay of B+ → ℓ+νℓγ with improved hadronic tagging, Phys. Rev. D98 (2018) 112016
Belle collaboration, M. Gelb et al.
The Belle II Core Software, Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 3 (2018) 1
Belle-II Framework Software Group collaboration, T. Kuhr, C. Pulvermacher, M. Ritter,T. Hauth, and N. Braun
The CP-Violating 2HDM in Light of a Strong First Order Electroweak Phase Transition and Implications for Higgs Pair Production, JHEP 03 (2018) 061
P. Basler, M. Mühlleitner and J. Wittbrodt
Three-loop mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs boson gluon fusion, Phys. Rev. D97 (2018) 034004
M. Bonetti, K. Melnikov and L. Tancredi
Time Series FeatuRe Extraction on basis of Scalable Hypothesis tests (tsfresh - A Python package), Neurocomputing 307(2018), 72 . 307(2018), 72
M. Christ, N. Braun, J. Neuffer and A. W. Kempa-Liehr
Tritium ions in KATRIN: blocking removal and detection, KIT (2018)
Manuel Klein
Version 3 of RunDec and CRunDec, Comput. Phys. Commun. 224 (2018) 333
F. Herren and M. Steinhauser
Wilson coefficients for Higgs boson production and decoupling relations to O(α4s) JHEP 11 (2018) 141
M. Gerlach, F. Herren and M. Steinhauser
A Tale of Scales—Fermion Masses and Mixing in Minimal SupersymmeticSO(10) and Resummation of Gluino Contributions to the MSSM Higgs Potential, KIT (2019)
Thomas Deppisch
Addendum to Impact of polarization observables and Bc → τν on new physics explanations of the b → cτν anomaly, Phys. Rev. D100 (2019) 035035
M. Blanke, A. Crivellin, T. Kitahara, M. Moscati, U. Nierste and I. Nisandzic
Advancing throughput of hep analysis work-flows using caching concepts, EPJ Web Conf. 214 (2019) 04007
Caspart, R., Fischer, M., Giffels, M., Heidecker, C., Kühn, E., Quast, G. et al.
An embedding technique to determine ττ backgrounds in proton-proton collision data, JINST 14 (2019)
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: A. Gottmann, J. Bechtel)
Automatised matching between two scalar sectors at the one-loop level,Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) no.2, 163
M. Gabelmann, M. Mühlleitner and F. Staub
BSMPT - Beyond the Standard Model Phase Transitions -A Tool for the Electroweak Phase Transition in Extended Higgs Sectors, Comput. Phys. Commun. 237 (2019) 62
P. Basler and M. Mühlleitner
Confronting SUSY SO(10) with updated Lattice and Neutrino Data, JHEP 01 (2019) 005
T. Deppisch, S. Schacht and M. Spinrath
Determination of the strong coupling constant using inclusive jet cross section data from multiple experiments, Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) 68
D. Britzger, K. Rabbertz, D. Savoiu, G. Sieber and M. Wobisch
Development of a Macro-Pixel sensor for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS experiment, KIT (2019)
Daniel Schell
Double Higgs boson production at NLO in the high-energy limit: complete analytic results, JHEP 01 (2019) 176
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser and D. Wellmann
Double Higgs boson production at NLO: combining the exact numerical result and high-energy expansion, JHEP 11 (2019), 024
J. Davies, G. Heinrich, S. P. Jones, M. Kerner, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser and D. Wellmann
Electroweak Corrections to Dark Matter Direct Detection in a Vector Dark Matter Model, JHEP 10 (2019), 152
S. Glaus, M. Mühlleitner, J. Müller, S. Patel and R. Santos
Gauge Coupling Unification without Supersymmetry, Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) 351
J. Schwichtenberg
Higher-Order Corrections in the 2HDM N2HDM and NMSSM, KIT (2019)
Marcel Krause
Impact of polarization observables and Bc → τν on new physics explanations of the b → cτν anomaly, Phys. Rev. D99 (2019) 075006
M. Blanke, A. Crivellin, S. de Boer, T. Kitahara, M. Moscati, U. Nierste et al.
Kinematic strangeness production in cluster hadronization, Eur. Phys. J. C 79 (2019) no.1, 61
C. B. Duncan and P. Kirchgaeßer
Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs boson production in gluon fusion, KIT (2019)
Marco Bonetti
New Physics in b → cτν: Impact of Polarisation Observables and Bc → τν. In 17th Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2019) Victoria, BC, Canada, May 6-10, 2019, 2019
Marta Moscati
Optimization of bias rail implementations for segmented silicon sensors, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 924 (2019) 19
D. Schell and A. Dierlamm
Physics from Symmetry, 2nd edition, Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics book series, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-66630-3
J. Schwichtenberg
Real-virtual corrections to Higgs boson pair production at NNLO: three closed top quark loops, JHEP 05 (2019) 157
J. Davies, F. Herren, G. Mishima and M. Steinhauser
Report from Working Group 1, CERN Yellow Rep. Monogr. 7 (2019), 1-220
P. Azzi et al. (GRK1694: H. Schäfer-Siebert)
Search for B → µνµ at Belle, KIT (2019)
Markus Prim
Search for ttH production in the H → bb decay channel with leptonic tt decays in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, JHEP 1903 (2019) 026
CMS collaboration, (GRK 1694: Keicher, Harrendorf, El Morabit, Wassmer)
Search for ttH production in the H-to-bb decay channel with leptonic tt decays in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the CMS detector, CMS-PAS-HIG-17-026
CMS collaboration (GRK 1694: Keicher, Harrendorf, El Morabit, Wassmer)
Showcasing HH production: Benchmarks for the LHC and HL-LHC, Phys. Rev. D99 (2019) 055048
P. Basler, S. Dawson, C. Englert and M. Mühlleitner
Soft Gluon Evolution as Guiding Principle for Colour Reconnection, Acta Phys. Polon. B 50 (2019), 1871-1879
S. Gieseke, P. Kirchgaeßer, S. Plätzer and A. Siodmok
The Belle II Physics Book, PTEP 2019 (2019) no.12, 123C01
E. Kou et al. (GRK 1694: T. Deppisch, J. Schwichtenberg)
The Full Event Interpretation, Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 3 (2019) 6
T. Keck et al.
The Singlet Extended Standard Model in the Context of Split Supersymmetry, Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), 075026
M. Gabelmann, M. M. Mühlleitner and F. Staub
The Strong CP Problem and Non-Supersymmetric Grand Unification, KIT (2019)
Jakob Schwichtenberg
Time-dependent simulation of the flow reduction of D2 and T2 of D2 and T2 in the KATRIN experiment, Vacuum 159 (2019) 161
F. Friedel, C. Röttele, L. Schimpf, J. Wolf, G. Drexlin, M. Hackenjos et al.
Tritium suppression factor of the KATRIN transport section, KIT (2019)
Carsten Röttele
Two-loop O(αt2) corrections to the neutral higgs boson masses in the CP-violating NMSSM, JHEP 08 (2019), 114
T. N. Dao, R. Gr¨ober, M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner and H. Rzehak
Vacuum Structure of Models beyond the Standard Model, KIT (2019)
Philipp Basler
β-Decay Spectrum, Response Function and Statistical Model for Neutrino Mass Measurements with the KATRIN Experiment, Eur. Phys. J. C79 (2019) 204
M. Kleesiek et al.
2hdecay a program for the calculation of electroweak one-loop corrections to higgs decays in the two-higgs-doublet model including state-of-the-art qcd corrections, Comput. Phys. Commun. 246 (2020), 106852
M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner and M. Spira
A Study of New Physics Searches with Tritium and Similar Molecules, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) no.7, 661
W. G. Hollik, M. Linster and M. Tabet
Analysis of first KATRIN data and searches for keV-scale sterile neutrinos, KIT (2020)
Anton Huber
Confronting Experimental Data with Heavy-Ion Models: Rivet for Heavy Ions, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) no.5, 485
C. Bierlich, A. Buckley, C. H. Christensen, P. H. L. Christiansen, C. B. Duncan,J. F. Grosse-Oetringhaus, P. Karczmarczyk, P. Kirchgaeßer, J. Klein, L. Lönnblad,R. Preghenella, C. O. Rasmussen, M. Stefaniak and V. Vislavicus
Cornering Spontaneous CP Violation with Charged-Higgs Searches, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) no.3, 031801
U. Nierste, M. Tabet and R. Ziegler
Di-Higgs boson peaks and top valleys: Interference effects in Higgs sector extensions, Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) no.1, 015019
P. Basler, S. Dawson, C. Englert and M. Mühlleitner
ewn2hdecay: a program for the calculation of electroweak one-loop corrections to higgs decays in the next-to-minimal two-higgs-doublet model including state-of-the-art QCD corrections, Comput. Phys. Commun. 247 (2020)
M. Krause and M. Mühlleitner
Gauge Coupling β Functions to Four-Loop Order in the Standard Model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) no.7, 071803
J. Davies, F. Herren, C. Poole, M. Steinhauser and A. E. Thomsen
Gauge dependences of higher-order corrections to NMSSM Higgs boson masses and the charged Higgs Decay H± → W±hi, Eur. Phys. J. C 80, no.3, 292 (2020)
T. N. Dao, L. Fritz, M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner and S. Patel
Global Interpretation of ττ Events in the Context of the Standard Model and Beyond, KIT (2020)
Artur Gottmann
Herwig 7.2 Release Note, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) no.5, 452
J. Bellm, G. Bewick, S. Ferrario Ravasio, S. Gieseke, D. Grellscheid, P. Kirchgaeßer, M. R. Masouminia, G. Nail, A. Papaefstathiou, S. Platzer, M. Rauch, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, A. Siodmok, M. H. Seymour and S. Webster
Impact of Electroweak Corrections on Neutral Higgs Boson Decays in Extended Higgs Sectors, JHEP 04, 083 (2020)
M. Krause and M. Mühlleitner
Improving the description of multiple interactions in Herwig, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) no.5, 469
J. Bellm, S. Gieseke and P. Kirchgaeßer
Search for single top quark production in the s channel at 13 TeV with the CMS experiment, KIT (2020)
Denise Müller
Top Quark Mass Effects in Higgs Boson Production at Four-Loop Order: Virtual Corrections, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) no.11, 112002
J. Davies, F. Herren and M. Steinhauser
Triple Differential Measurement of the Dijet Cross Section at √s = 13 TeV with the CMS Detector, KIT (2020)
Daniel Savoiu
VBSCan Mid-Term Scientific Meeting
J. Baglio et al. (GRK 1694: P. Kirchgaeßer)
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups