Projekt Druckansicht

Clinical and molecular characterization of genetically determined unclear white matter disorders

Mitantragstellerinnen / Mitantragsteller Dr. Osama Mohammed M. Atawneh; Professorin Orly Elpeleg
Fachliche Zuordnung Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2019
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 169187765
Erstellungsjahr 2017

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

White matter disorders also known as leukoencephalopathies or leukodystrophies are a constantly growing heterogeneous group of genetic and acquired neurological disorders. The trilateral project brought together an internationally renowned group of clinician scientists with special expertise in the field of rare inborn leukoencephalopathies. The aim was an integrated coordinated approach to early diagnose affected children, learn about the initial symptoms and course of leukoencephalopathies in different ethnic groups, identify new disease genes and analyze their role in human myelin formation and brain development. The project started with the work-up of a consensus standard clinical protocol and the set-up of a web-based database. More than 200 patients from various ethnic groups with the suspected diagnosis of a white matter disorder were recruited. After thorough evaluation of patient data according to the consensus protocol 148 patients were included for molecular characterization. Within this patient cohort we diagnosed 56 cases with known classical leukoencephaolpathies and 92 cases with unclear leukoencephalopathies. For 37 patients we identified a new white matter disease gene and the underlying potential pathomechanisms. The identified genes and encoded proteins influence neurometabolic pathways and cellular regulatory functions that are related to white matter integrity. The information is mandatory to establishing neuroprotective and remyelinating therapies.

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