Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in magnetic films

Applicant Professor Sergej O. Demokritov, Ph.D.
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2006 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 16851434

Project Description

Subject of the project is magnons in a non-equilibrium state, created in a ferromagnet using external pumping. The main goal of the project is experimental observation of the Bose-Einstein-Condensation (BEC) of the magnon gas, i.e., the effect, which has been recently predicted theoretically. The distribution of magnons over the wavevector space and their possible condensation close to a given value of the wavevector will be studied by means of Brillouin light scattering. The utilization of the novel Brillouin light scattering technique with a sensitivity to the phase of magnon, very recently developed by us, allows the determination of the coherence characteristics of the magnon gas and the unambiguous corroboration of the BEC-transition.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Major Instrumentation High-precision positioning system
Instrumentation Group 5900 Optische Bänke einschl. mechanischer Bauelemente