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Ultra-hoch-auflösendes ESI LCMS/MS Q-TOF Massenspektrometer

Subject Area Molecular Chemistry
Term Funded in 2010
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 167205511
Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

The combination of maXis ESI-TOF mass spectrometer with LCMS and in particularly with the cryo-spray was proven to be extremely valuable for achieving new and breakthrough results in our projects and collaborations in the multidisciplinary fields of biomedical relevance and catalysis, such as: bioinorganic chemistry, especially chemistry of redox signaling, medicinal chemistry of metal based drugs and structure-based ligand discovery, physiology of neuro signaling, supramolecular chemistry, chemistry of polyoxometalates, chemical- and photo-catalyses. The applied instrumentation method was indispensible for characterization of highly unstable or reactive intermediate species (e.g. a new signaling molecule HSNO, nonheme iron(III)-peroxo, manganese(II)- hydroxo, dicopper peroxo, encapsulated metalloporphyrins etc.) and elucidation of reaction pathways involved in versatile type of stoichiometric or catalytic reactions. The obtained results have been important for launching Emerging Field Initiative of “Medicinal redox Inorganic Chemistry”, as well as for our participation in the research network "Solar Technologies Go Hybrid". At the same time the powerful cryospray mass spectrometric technique that we can performed by using this instrumentation set-up enabled us to established a number of fruitful national and international cooperations, which demonstrates that there is a great demand for the application of this technique in the wide range of scientific disciplines.



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