Magneto-elastic coupling of surface acoustical waves with confined spin waves
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 163904360
Coupling between magnetic and mechanic degrees of freedom, mediated by the spin-orbit interaction, has recently gained importance as the key-mechanism of novel promising magneto-electric multiferroics. The aim of this project is the investigation of the dynamic magnetoelastic interaction between spin-waves and surface acoustic waves (SAW) in the technologically important GHz frequency range. First, experiments on model systems, consisting of piezoelectric substrates and magnetostrictive films prepared on top of it, will be carried out. SAW and spin waves, both with well defined wave-vectors will be studied. The interaction has been predicted to have an intriguing, complex dependence on geometry and SAW mode-type including non-reciprocal behavior, but to our knowledge has never been studied experimentally. Second, small confined magnetic micro- and nano-elements will be prepared on the substrate. In this case we expect to demonstrate the coupling of SAW to a single quantized spinwave mode, selectable by tuning the magnetic field. This feature is highly relevant for the “microwave-assisted” switching, a hot candidate for next generation magnetic memory. Two-dimensional mapping of both SAW and spin-waves will be performed by means of the Brillouin Light Scattering microscopy providing an ultimate time and space-resolution for investigation of magnetic dynamics.