Molecular and ecological analysis of Arabis alpina perennial life-history traits along environmental gradients ("A. alpina perenniality")
Fachliche Zuordnung
Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen
Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 163636322
The overall aim of this project is to evaluate whether variation in perenniality related traits is important in the adaptation to different environments and to shed light on the genetic basis of variation in this trait, using Arabis alpina as a model species. Flowering plants exhibit annual or perennial life-strategies. The life cycle of annual plants is completed within one year, during which they germinate from seed, grow vegetatively, flower, produce seeds and senesce. In contrast perennials can live for many years, and after flowering often revert to vegetative growth so that the life cycle is divided into periods of vegetative development and flowering. We have recently shown that the A. alpina PEP1 gene, an orthologue of the Arabidopsis gene FLC, encodes a repressor which prevents flowering until the plant has been exposed to vernalization, and after vernalization restricts the duration of flowering. The purpose of this collaborative project is to gain insight into how the perennial life-strategy of A. alpina varies along environmental gradients and to test whether this is associated with allelic variation at the PEP1 gene. We therefore aim to assess the natural phenotypic variation of life-history and perenniality related traits throughout the native European distribution range, encompassing various different environments and to link it to the natural allelic variation of PEP1 in order evaluate its relevance for seasonal flowering, duration of flowering and iteroparous life-history. Furthermore, we aim to evaluate the adaptive significance of both the phenotypic and PEP1 sequence variation. To reach these aims the strategy encompasses three major approaches: i) phenotypic scoring of indigenous populations, ii) molecular analysis of PEP1 and iii) reciprocal transplantation experiments. The CRP will involve three laboratories, one associated partner and one co-operating partner. The geographical distribution of the partners reflects the native European range of the target species.
Internationaler Bezug
Niederlande, Schweden