Relativistic dynamics of electrons in strong fields

Antragsteller Privatdozent Dr. Stanislav Tashenov
Fachliche Zuordnung Optik, Quantenoptik und Physik der Atome, Moleküle und Plasmen
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2017
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 162738291


Fundamental processes of photon-matter interaction will be studied in the realm of heavy atomic systems. In particular the polarization properties of Radiative and Dielectronic recombination (inverse Photoelectric and Auger effects) and bremsstrahlung will be for the first time investigated experimentally in the hard x-ray regime with novel Compton polarimeters. The GSI ESR storage ring and the newly developed Stockholm S-EBIT will be used for production and experiments with the heaviest highly charged ions up to bare uranium, i.e. up to the limits of the atomic matter. Experiments with the electron beam of TU Darmstadt SDALINAC will complement these studies. As an example a correlation between the polarization of the photon emitted in Radiative Recombination and the produced final state will be investigated. Another will address a polarization correlation in bremsstrahlung. This effect is a key to a promising future spin-polarization diagnostics of relativistic heavy ion and electron beams. The investigated processes determine the charge balance and photon emission of the astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Their understanding and the polarimetry techniques are of a vital importance for the diagnostics of these plasmas. The project should also bridge the atomic and nuclear physics and for the first time observe nuclear excitation via electron capture.
DFG-Verfahren Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppen