CASTOR and POLLUX, two ion channels required for perinuclear calcium-spiking
Fachliche Zuordnung
Zell- und Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen
Förderung von 2010 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 162634482
CASTOR and POLLUX are essential for plant root endosymbiois with bacteria and fungi. In particular, they are required for symbiosis-induced, perinuclear calcium oscillations called calcium spiking. The mechanism underlying perinuclear calcium spiking induced during legume root endosymbiosis is largely unknown. We have shown that CASTOR and POLLUX from Lotus japonicus represent a new class of ion channels, suggesting an involvement in the mechanism of calcium spiking. To further unravel their function, we propose to study the regulation of the channel proteins and to further characterize their electrophysiological properties. We will also study proteins that interact with CASTOR or POLLUX in order to identify additional complex components and potentially regulators.