Regulation of the epigenetic transcription factor DPF3 and its implication for myogenesis
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine Genetik und funktionelle Genomforschung
Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 161078346
The tight control of gene expression programs is crucial to govern cell function and identity. Over the past years it became evident that epigenetic mechanisms beside DNA-binding transcription factors play an important role in establishing and maintaining transcriptional programs. The epigenetic layer of control comprises post-translational modification of histones, DNA methylation and chromatin remodelling. In 2008, we presented DPF3, a novel epigenetic key factor for heart and muscle development. DPF3 is associated with the BAF chromatin remodelling complex and binds methylated as well as acetylated lysine residues of histone 3 and 4. Thus, DPF3 represents the first plant homeodomains that bind acetylated lysine. It adds a further layer of complexity to the BAF complex by representing a tissuespecific anchor between modified histones and chromatin remodelling. Changes in chromatin structure and gene transcription are typically induced by external stimuli. In particular phosphorylation of chromatin-associated proteins is mediated by different kinases, such as p38, CaMK and CKII, and represents a powerful interface for the transmission of extracellular signals to chromatin. So far, the upstream signalling pathway of DPF3 and its role for myogenesis in mouse are undiscovered and represent key objectives of the proposed project.