The neural basis of operant conditioning in Aplysia
Fachliche Zuordnung
Molekulare Biologie und Physiologie von Nerven- und Gliazellen
Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 16052427
Learning about the consequences of one s own behavior (operant conditioning) and learning about relations in the environment (classical conditioning) constitute the two main forms of predictive, nondeclarative (procedural) learning. These forms of learning are so fundamental and ubiquitous that even invertebrates such as Aplysia possess the capacity to learn operantly and classically. The neural basis of learning has been and remains of considerable interest to the scientific community and the general public. Nevertheless, research in this area has almost exclusively utilized classical conditioning paradigms as model systems within which to address this issue. Despite providing a greater potential for understanding human capacities such as decision-making, volition, planning and other executive functions (as well as a larger medical relevance), mostly technical and conceptual difficulties have prevented the study of operant conditioning to reach the same level of depth as that of classical conditioning. With recent new discoveries and the development of new molecular biological tools, the simple model system Aplysia now provides the opportunity to close this gap. In this proposal we will use representational difference analysis and single cell rt-PCR to identify the genetic basis of operant and classical conditioning of Aplysia feeding behavior. Using this information, we will identify candidate cells for physiological examination.