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SFB 704:  Molecular Mechanisms and Chemical Modulation of Local Immune Regulation

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2006 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 15477770
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

Local control of immunity is required to cope with specialized pathogens, which attempt to break barriers via their preferred entry routes, but it is also needed for the maintenance of organ integrity. For example, activation of immunity in the brain is by no means adapted to allow similar dramatic consequences as analogous immune reactions in barrier organs - such as the skin - might have, because of the vastly different potentials of these tissues for repair, or their strongly divergent requirements for cellular integrity as a basis for continuous organ function. Our research initiative CRC 704 thus had aimed at the analysis and classification of cell types and their modes of interaction in the local control of immunity, tolerance and homeostasis. We further investigated into signaling circuits and transcriptional networks, to be able to better understand and eventually manipulate these systems in clinically relevant situations. We finally incorporated modern chemistry to generate small organic compounds or nucleic-acid based chemical tools to complement the main experimental tools (mouse genetics, cellular and molecular immunology, biochemistry) with novel investigative molecules that may be employed in a more quantitative fashion, and which successfully serve as leads for clinical developments.



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