Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Spectral structures and topological methods were basic unifying concepts
for scientists in different fields of theoretical and applied mathematics who cooperated in the
CRC 701.
New concepts of mathematical physics recently have had a significant impact in theoretical
mathematics and stimulated new areas of mathematical research which have motivated research
projects in this CRC like Seiberg-Witten invariants from topology, universal spectral distributions from quantum physics and their appearance in number theory, the application of concepts
from quantum field theory to the theory of moduli spaces in algebraic topology, as well as
concepts of quantum information relating to quantum groups. Conversely, modern methods
in mathematics, in particular in topology, number theory and recently also stochastic analysis
and free probability, which have been investigated in this CRC resulted not only in interesting
mathematical results but have been relevant in theoretical physics and other applications of
mathematics, such as fluid dynamics, crystallography, material sciences and mobile communications. In this CRC applied and theoretical mathematics have joined forces in order to realize
the considerable potential of infra disciplinary research.
Off-diagonal upper estimates for the heat kernel of the Dirichlet forms on metric spaces. Invent. Math. 174 (2008), 81–126
A. Grigor’yan and N. Hu
Diffraction of stochastic point sets: explicitly computable examples. Commun. Math. Phys. 293(3), (2010), 611–660
M. Baake, M. Birkner, and R. V. Moody
The circular law for random matrices. Ann. Probab. 38(4), (2010), 1444–1491
F. Götze and A. Tikhomirov
Global well-posedness of the energy-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation with small initial data in H 1 (T3 ). Duke Math. J. 159(2), (2011), 329–349
S. Herr, D. Tataru, and N. Tzvetkov
Overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology. Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 44(2), (2011), 197–262
C. Davis, A. Langer, and T. Zink
The global random attractor for a class of stochastic porous media equations. Comm. PDE 36(3), (2011), 446–469
W.-J. Beyn, B. Gess, P. Lescot, and M. Röckner
Stratifying modular representations of finite groups. Ann. of Math. 174 (2012), 1643–1684
D. J. Benson, S. B. Iyengar, and H. Krause
Higher finiteness properties of reductive arithmetic groups in positive characteristic: the rank theorem. Ann. of Math. (2) 177(1), (2013), 311–366
K.-U. Bux, R. Köhl, and S. Witzel
Rate of convergence and Edgeworth-type expansion in the entropic central limit theorem. Ann. Prob. 41 (2013), 2479–2512
S. G. Bobkov, G. Chistyakov, and F. Götze
The image of Colmez’s Montreal functor. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. 118 (2013), 1–191
V. Paskunas
Estimates of heat kernels for non-local regular Dirichlet forms. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), 6397–6441
A. Grigor’yan, J. Hu, and K.-S. Lau
Explicit rates of approximation in the CLT for quadratic forms. Ann. Probab. 42 (2014), 354–397
F. Götze and A. Y. Zaitsev
Local universality of repulsive particle systems and random matrices. Ann. Probab. 42(6), (2014), 2207–2242
F. Götze and M. Venker
On special zeros of p-adic L-functions of Hilbert modular forms. Invent. Math. 196 (2014), 69–138
M. Spieß
Well-rounded sublattices of planar lattices. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), 301–334
M. Baake, R. Scharlau, and P. Zeiner
An analytic approach to infinite-dimensional continuity and Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. 14(3), (2015), 983–1023
V. I. Bogachev, G. Da Prato, M. Röckner, and S. V. Shaposhnikov
An operatorial approach to stochastic partial differential equations driven by linear multiplicative noise. JEMS 17(7), (2015), 1789–1815
V. Barbu and M. Röckner
Dynamical versus diffraction spectrum for structures with finite local complexity. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 35(7), (2015), 2017–2043
M. Baake, D. Lenz, and A. van Enter
Dynamical Widom- Rowlinson model and its mesoscopic limit. J. Stat. Phys. 158(1), (2015), 57–86
D. Finkelshtein, Y. Kondratiev, O. Kutoviy, and M. J. Oliveira
From random Poincaré maps to stochastic mixedmode-oscillation patterns. J. Dynam. Differential Equations 27 (2015), 83–136
N. Berglund, B. Gentz, and C. Kuehn
A categorification of non-crossing partitions. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 18(10), (2016), 2273–2313
A. Hubery and H. Krause
Arithmetic groups, base change, and representation growth. Geom. Funct. Anal. 26(1), (2016), 67–135
N. Avni, B. Klopsch, U. Onn, and C. Voll
Heat kernel estimates for subordinate Brownian motions. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 113(5), (2016), 627–648
A. Mimica
Similarity classes of integral p-adic matrices and representation zeta functions of groups of type A2 . Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 112(2), (2016), 267–350
N. Avni, B. Klopsch, U. Onn, and C. Voll
Spatial decay of rotating waves in reaction diffusion systems. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 13 (2016), 191–240
W.-J. Beyn and D. Otten
Strong uniqueness for SDEs in Hilbert spaces with nonregular drift. Ann. Probab. 44(3), (2016), 1985–2023
G. Da Prato, F. Flandoli, M. Röckner, and A. Veretennikov
The braided Thompson’s groups are of type F∞ . J. Reine Angew. Math. 718 (2016), 59–101. With an appendix by Zaremsky
K.-U. Bux, M. G. Fluch, M. Marschler, S. Witzel, and M. C. B. Zaremsky
The cubic Dirac equation: small initial data in H 2 (R2 ). Comm. Math. Phys. 343(2), (2016), 515–562
I. Bejenaru and S. Herr
Homologies of digraphs and Künneth formulas. Comm. Anal. Geom. 30(5), (2017), 969–1018
A. Grigor’yan, Y. Muranov, and S.-T. Yau
Intrinsic scaling properties for nonlocal operators. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19(4), (2017), 983–1011
M. Kassmann and A. Mimica
Local Functional Equations for Submodule Zeta Functions Associated to Nilpotent Algebras of Endomorphisms. Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN), (2017)
C. Voll
Long-time behavior, invariant measures, and regularizing effects for stochastic scalar conservation laws. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 70(8), (2017), 1562–1597
B. Gess and P. E. Souganidis
Lower estimates of heat kernels for non-local Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces. J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), 3311–3346
A. Grigor’yan, J. Hu, and E. Hu
On global well-posedness and scattering for the massive Dirac- Klein-Gordon system. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19(8), (2017), 2445–2467
I. Bejenaru and S. Herr
On the Drinfeld moduli problem of p-divisible groups. Camb. J. Math. 5(2), (2017), 229–279
M. Rapoport and T. Zink
Uniform analytic properties of representation zeta functions of finitely generated nilpotent groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 369(9), (2017), 6327–6349
D. H. Dung and C. Voll
Heat kernel estimates for an operator with a singular drift and isoperimetric inequalities. J. Reine Angew. Math. 736 (2018), 1–31
A. Grigor’yan, S.-X. Ouyang, and M. Röckner
Hybrid Iwasawa algebras and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture. Amer.q J. Math. 140 (2018), 245–276
H. Johnston and A. Nickel
On the geometric side of the Arthur trace formula for the symplectic group of rank 2. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 844. AMS, Providence, R.I., (2018)
W. Hoffmann and S. Wakatsuki
Stratification for module categories of finite group schemes. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 31(1), (2018), 265–302
D. Benson, S. B. Iyengar, H. Krause, and J. Pevtsova
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Spectral theory of aperiodic order
(Project Heads
Baake, Michael
Huck, Christian
A02 - Numerical Analysis of High-Dimensional Transfer Operators
(Project Head
Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen
A03 - Stochastic dynamics and bifurcations
(Project Head
Gentz, Barbara
A04 - Asymptotics of spectral distributions
(Project Heads
Götze, Friedrich
Kösters, Holger
A05 - Stochastic evolutions in continuum
(Project Head
Kondratiev, Yuri G.
A06 - Analysis and stochastic processes on metric measure spaces
(Project Head
Grigoryan, Alexander
A08 - Fine properties of long-range operators and processes
(Project Head
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
A09 - Dynamics and asymptotic behaviour of stochastic evolution systems
(Project Heads
Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen
Gentz, Barbara
Röckner, Michael
A10 - Nonlocal operators
(Project Heads
Grigoryan, Alexander
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
Kondratiev, Yuri G.
B01 - Diophantine inequalities, groups, and lattices
(Project Heads
Abels, Herbert
Bux, Kai-Uwe
Götze, Friedrich
B02 - Combinatorial and topological structure of aperiodic tilings
(Project Heads
Baake, Michael
Gähler, Franz
B03 - Numerical analysis of equivariant evolution equations
(Project Head
Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen
B04 - Kolmogorov operators and SPDE
(Project Head
Röckner, Michael
B05 - Algebraic varieties, cohomology, Abelian varieties
(Project Heads
Lau, Eike
Zink, Thomas
B06 - Invariant harmonic analysis and Selberg zeta functions
(Project Head
Hoffmann, Werner
B07 - Analysis von Diskretisierungsverfahren für nichtlineare Evolutionsgleichungen
(Project Head
Emmrich, Etienne
B08 - Initial value problems for nonlinear dispersive equations at critical regularity
(Project Head
Herr, Sebastian
C01 - Gauge theoretical methods in manifold theory
(Project Head
Bauer, Stefan
C02 - Linear Algebraic Groups over Arbitrary Fields
(Project Heads
Rehmann, Ulf
Rost, Markus
C03 - Topological and spectral structures in representation theory
(Project Heads
Krause, Henning
Ringel, Claus Michael
C04 - Milnor Conjecture, Galois Cohomology and Algebraic Cobordism
(Project Head
Rost, Markus
C05 - p-adic Symmetric Spaces, p-adic Uniformisation and L-functions
(Project Heads
Spieß, Michael
Zink, Thomas
C06 - Groups, Buildings, and Model Theory
(Project Head
Tent, Katrin
C07 - Automorphic representations and their local factors
(Project Heads
Hoffmann, Werner
Nickel, Andreas
Paskunas, Vytautas
Spieß, Michael
C08 - Finiteness Properties of Infinite Discrete Groups
(Project Head
Bux, Kai-Uwe
C10 - Local cohomology in representation theory
(Project Heads
Krause, Henning
Voll, Christopher
C11 - Algebraic and analytic aspects of holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations
(Project Heads
Haydys, Andriy
Rollenske, Sönke
C12 - Representation growth of arithmetic groups
(Project Head
Voll, Christopher
C13 - The geometry and combinatorics of groups
(Project Heads
Baumeister, Barbara
Bux, Kai-Uwe
Z - Central tasks
(Project Head
Götze, Friedrich