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Impact of MFM disease mutations on the assembly mechanism and network formation of muscle-specific intermediate filament proteins

Subject Area Molecular Biology and Physiology of Neurons and Glial Cells
Term from 2009 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 101925924
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

We have demonstrated the impact of point mutations in desmin on the assembly of the protein into filament networks and their interaction with large authentic structural muscle proteins such as nebulin and nebulette. Furthermore, we investigated the interaction of desmin with the IF proteins synemin-L and nestin identifying both proteins not to be authentic IF proteins, expected to form hetero-dimeric or hetero-tetrameric complexes with desmin. Instead, according to our results, these proteins should be classified as IF-associated proteins what may have important implications with respect to how we look at their incorporation into the differentiating muscle cell. Moreover, we investigated the interaction of both wild-type and mutated desmins with the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin/HSPB5. From these experiments it is clear that the chaperone does not only help to assemble unit-length filaments but also exhibits a sensor function during assembly, discriminating between wild-typ desmin filaments and filaments formed by mutated desmins. Accordingly, these results may explain why mutations in αB-crystallin/HSPB5 can lead to a complete reorganization of the desmin network in patient myocytes.


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  • Nebulette is a powerful cytolinker organizing desmin and actin in mouse hearts. Mol Biol Cell 2016; 27:3869-3882
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  • Structural Dynamics of the Vimentin Coiled-Coil Contact Regions involved in Filament Assembly as revealed by Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange. J Biol Chem 2016; 291:24931–24950
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    (See online at

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