TRR 30: Process-integrated Manufacturing of Functionally Graded Structures Based on Coupled Thermo- mechanical Phenomena
Materials Science and Engineering
Final Report Abstract
The goal of the collaborative research center Transregio 30 (hereinafter referred to as SFB/TR TRR 30) was the establishment of basic principles for the manufacture of functionally graded structures in steel, aluminum, and plastic components in large series applications. The starting point for this aim were manufacturing processes based on thermomechanically coupled phenomena. An unrestricted combinability of product design and the property profile made up the vision that was to be transferred into reality. What made this exceptional was the aim to exclusively use mono-materials, meaning materials that are not layer systems, composite materials, or materials that have been functionally enhanced with filling materials, or the like. While performing research, the entire process chain was taken into account, from the manufacture of the raw material and material design to the preparation of the material, the shaping of it, the final processing, and the follow-up treatment. The subsequent examination of the application behavior was meant to enable deductions about the influences of the manufacturing process to be made. The required interdisciplinary linking of the component projects, which was so crucial for the success of SFB/TR TRR 30, was implemented extensively. The research studies were assigned to four project areas: “Process Design”, “Material/ Modelling / Parameter Identification / Experimental Validation”, “Numeric Treatment” and “Process-Accompanying Product Optimization”. The project results clearly show that the interdisciplinary cooperation that extended beyond the individual project areas was necessary. This was the only way to successfully describe the microstructures, their genesis, and their resulting properties, as well as the targeted functionalization. This specifically means the precise customization of product properties and their limitations set by the microstructure. The formation of work groups would not have been possible without intensive interdisciplinary collaboration between all component projects. These work groups encompass “Modelling and Simulation”, “Product-Process-Reciprocal Effect”, and “Property Characterization of Functionally Graded Materials. The same applies for the development of the technology carriers “Flanged Shaft”, “Crashbox” and “Interior Door Trim”. Moreover, the integrated research training group contributed to an extensive collaboration that transcended the boundaries of the individual disciplines. It achieved this by means of doctoral meetings, continued advanced trainings, and the industrial advisory committee, i.e., cooperations or guest lectures. Functionalization was able to be implemented in a reproducible fashion by means of creating graded structures in short process routes that can be automated, and which are combined with thermomechanically coupled process control. The following options were able to be investigated: processes suitable for large series, resource efficiency, and the combination of the product design and the property profile. Furthermore, the significant advancement of the process-technological options of the local, functional gradation, the modelling of processes and material properties, and the characterization of the structural properties were also successfully implemented. The locally differing microstructures were examined in regards to the reciprocal effects of the process, structure, and properties, in order to be able to adjust these specifically. The obligatory knowledge needed to precisely influence the microstructure of mono-materials was acquired, i.e., how to carry out and combine manufacturing processes. For example, in doing so, a new tempering concept was able to be developed while taking the material rheology in thermoplastic composite structures into account. Moreover, targeted anisotropies were able to be created in amorphous plastics using an extrusion and stretching process. The correlating modelling was carried out by component project cooperation partners. Another example of the successful collaboration between fields was the implementation of the coupling of the pre-heating, transfer, and the re-shaping of wave-shaped steel components. Here, thermo-shock processes in the molding tool were described, thermal layers were integrated, and cooling processes that took place during the transfer were observed. Additionally, the demonstrated feasibility and simulation of the combination of extrusion presses and electromagnetic shaping were achieved. On top of that, the one-step manufacturability of functional elements using friction spinning, the integration of the method in the entire process chain, and the development of combination tools for the integration of turning and shaping processes must be named. The targeted manufacture of graded component properties by means of processing procedures suitable for large series shifted the focus to the robustness of methods, processes, and graded structures. A personal definition of the term robustness was developed in order to be able to make precise statements about the employed methods and processes. The description of the properties and processes was ultimately achieved by coupling so-called “empirical” and “physical” models. Please reference the reports of the first and second funding periods for further information.
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