Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Stardust was the first space mission ever that returned solid material from a known object other than the Moon, namely comet Wild 2. In order to understand the chemical (inorganic as well as organic), isotopical, mineralogical, and structural properties of the cometary dust, six preliminary examination teams were constituted that had exclusive access to the Stardust samples during the first six months after the return of the spacecraft in January 2006. The principal investigator of the project, Dr. Thomas Stephan, was member of four of these teams focusing on inorganic and organic chemistry, mineralogy, and the structural properties derived from impact features. The work carried out in this study played a central role for the determination of the bulk chemical composition of Wild 2 that is practically identical to the bulk composition of the Solar System. However, individual dust grains show large heterogeneities even on a submicrometer scale. A big surprise was the finding of inner Solar System material in the cometary dust that comes from the outermost regions of the Solar System. These findings had implications for early Solar System models that need to explain large scale mixing in our Solar System 4.6 Billion years ago. Presolar grains that were expected to occur in great number in cometary dust were found to be much less abundant than in other primitive Solar System material. However, this apparent lack of presolar material can be explained by preferential destruction or mixing of these grains with normal Solar System material during capture by Stardust. Our results were instrumental for a better understanding of these processes that occur during impact of the cometary dust into the aerogel collectors and aluminum foils.
Contrary to previous models, cometary material in Wild 2 is not just a mixture of primitive presolar matter. The history of cometary matter seems to be more complex. This mater represent a mixture of high-temperature minerals formed in the inner solar system, primitive presolar material, and organic matter and ice that have never seen high temperatures. More studies are needed to fully understand the properties of Wild 2 material captured by Stardust.
(2006) Chemical analysis of Wild-2 samples returned by Stardust. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1217
Flynn G. J., Borg J., Bleuet P., Brenker F., Brennan S., Daghlian C., Djouadi Z., Ferroir T., Gallien J.-P., Gillet Ph., Grant P. G., Grossemy F., Herzog G. F., Ishii H. A., Khodja H., Lanzirotti A., Leitner J., Lemelle L., Luening K., MacPherson G., Marcus M., Matrajt G., Nakamura T., Nakano T., Newville M., Pianetta P., Rao W., Rost D., Sheffield-Parker J., Simionovici A., Stephan T., Sutton S. R., Taylor S., Tsuchiyama A., Uesugi K., Westphal A., Vicenzi E. and Vincze L.
(2006) Comet 81P/Wild 2 under a microscope. Science 314, 1711–1716
Brownlee D., Tsou P., Aléon J., Alexander C. M. O’D., Araki T., Bajt S., Baratta G. A., Bastien R., Bland P., Bleuet P., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Brearley A., Brenker F., Brennan S., Bridges J. C., Browning N. D., Brucato J. R., Bullock E., Burchell M. J., Busemann H., Butterworth A., Chaussidon M., Cheuvront A., Chi M., Cintala M. J., Clark B. C., Clemett S. J., Cody G., Colangeli L., Cooper G., Cordier P., Daghlian C., Dai Z., d'Hendecourt L., Djouadi Z., Dominguez G., Duxbury T., Dworkin J. P., Ebel D. S., Economou T. E., Fakra S., Fairey S. A. J., Fallon S., Ferrini G., Ferroir T., Fleckenstein H., Floss C., Flynn G., Franchi I. A., Fries M., Gainsforth Z., Gallien J.-P., Genge M., Gilles M. K., Gillet Ph., Gilmour J., Glavin D. P., Gounelle M., Grady M. M., Graham G. A., Grant P. G., Green S. F., Grossemy F., Grossman L., Grossman J. N., Guan Y., Hagiya K., Harvey R., Heck P., Herzog G. F., Hoppe P., Hörz F., Huth J., Hutcheon I. D., Ignatyev K., Ishii H., Ito M., Jacob D.
(2006) Elemental compositions of comet 81P/Wild 2 samples collected by Stardust. Science 314, 1731–1735
Flynn G. J., Bleuet P., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Brenker F. E., Brennan S., Bridges J., Brownlee D. E., Bullock E. S., Burghammer M., Clark B. C., Dai Z. R., Daghlian C. P., Djouadi Z., Fakra S., Ferroir T., Floss C., Franchi I. A., Gainsforth Z., Gallien J.-P., Gillet Ph., Grant P. G., Graham G. A., Green S. F., Grossemy F., Heck P. R., Herzog G. F., Hoppe P., Hörz F., Huth J., Ignatyev K., Ishii H. A., Janssens K., Joswiak D., Kearsley A. T., Khodja H., Lanzirotti A., Leitner J., Lemelle L., Leroux H., Luening K., MacPherson G. J., Marhas K. K., Marcus M. A., Matrajt G., Nakamura T., Nakamura- Messenger K., Nakano T., Newville M., Papanastassiou D. A., Pianetta P., Rao W., Riekel C., Rietmeijer F. J. M., Rost D., Schwandt C. S., See T. H., Sheffield-Parker J., Simionovici A., Sitnitsky I., Snead C. J., Stadermann F. J., Stephan T., Stroud R. M., Susini J., Suzuki Y., Sutton S. R., Taylor S., Teslich N., Troadec D., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Uesugi K., Vekemans B., Vicenzi E. P.
(2006) Impact features on Stardust: Implications for comet 81P/Wild 2 dust. Science 314, 1716–1719
Hörz F., Bastien R., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Bridges J. C., Brownlee D. E., Burchell M. J., Chi M., Cintala M. J., Dai Z. R., Djouadi Z., Dominguez G., Economou T. E., Fairey S. A. J., Floss C., Franchi I. A., Graham G. A., Green S. F., Heck P., Hoppe P., Huth J., Ishii H., Kearsley A. T., Kissel J., Leitner J., Leroux H., Marhas K., Messenger K., Schwandt C. S., See T. H., Snead C., Stadermann F. J., Stephan T., Stroud R., Teslich N., Trigo- Rodríguez J. M., Tuzzolino A. J., Troadec D., Tsou P., Warren J., Westphal A., Wozniakiewicz P., Wright I. and Zinner E.
(2006) Microcraters in aluminum foils exposed by Stardust. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1148
Hörz F., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Bridges J., Brownlee D. E., Burchell M. J., Cole M. J., Dai Z. R., Djouadi Z., Floss C., Franchi I. A., Graham G. A., Green S. F., Heck P., Hoppe P., Kearsley A. T., Leitner J., Leroux H., Teslich N., Marhas K. K., Schwandt C. S., See T. H., Stadermann F. J., Stephan T., Troadec D., Tsou P. and Zolensky M. E.
(2006) Mineralogy and petrology of comet 81P/Wild 2 nucleus samples. Science 314, 1735–1739
Zolensky M. E., Zega T. J., Yano H., Wirick S., Westphal A. J., Weisberg M. K., Weber I., Warren J. L., Velbel M. A., Tsuchiyama A., Tsou P., Toppani A., Tomioka N., Tomeoka K., Teslich N., Taheri M., Susini J., Stroud R., Stephan T., Stadermann F. J., Snead C. J., Simon S. B., Simionovici A., See T. H., Robert F., Rietmeijer F. J. M., Rao W., Perronnet M. C., Papanastassiou D. A., Okudaira K., Ohsumi K., Ohnishi I., Nakamura-Messenger K., Nakamura T., Mostefaoui S., Mikouchi T., Meibom A., Matrajt G., Marcus M. A., Leroux H., Lemelle L., Le L., Lanzirotti A., Langenhorst F., Krot A. N., Keller L. P., Kearsley A. T., Joswiak D., Jacob D., Ishii H., Harvey R., Hagiya K., Grossman L., Grossman J. N., Graham G. A., Gounelle M., Gillet Ph., Genge M. J., Flynn G., Ferroir T., Fallon S., Ebel D. S., Dai Z. R., Cordier P., Clark B., Chi M., Butterworth A. L., Brownlee D. E., Bridges J. C., Brennan S., Brearley A., Bradley J. P., Bleuet P., Bland P. A. and Bastien R.
(2006) Mineralogy and petrology of comet Wild-2 nucleus samples – final results of the preliminary examination team. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 41, A167
Zolensky M., Bland P., Bradley J., Brearley A., Brennan S., Bridges J., Brownlee D., Butterworth A., Dai Z., Ebel D., Genge M., Gounelle M., Graham G., Grossman J., Grossman L., Harvey R., Ishii H., Kearsley A., Keller L., Krot A., Langenhorst F., Lanzirotti A., Leroux H., Matrajt G., Messenger K., Mikouchi T., Nakamura T., Ohsumi K., Okudaira K., Perronnet M., Rietmeijer F., Simon S., Stephan T., Stroud R., Taheri M., Tomeoka K., Toppani A., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Velbel M., Weber I., Weisberg M., Westphal A., Yano H. and Zega T.
(2006) Mineralogy and petrology of comet Wild2 nucleus samples. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1203
Zolensky M., Bland P., Bradley J., Brearley A., Brennan S., Bridges J., Brownlee D., Butterworth A., Dai Z., Ebel D., Genge M., Gounelle M., Graham G., Grossman L., Harvey R., Ishii H., Kearsley A., Keller L., Krot A., Lanzirotti A., Leroux H., Messenger K., Mikouchi T., Nakamura T., Ohsumi K., Okudaira K., Perronnet M., Rietmeijer F., Simon S., Stephan T., Stroud R., Taheri M., Tomeoka K., Toppani A., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Weber I., Weisberg M., Westphal A., Yano H. and Zega T.
(2006) Organics captured from comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Stardust spacecraft. Science 314, 1720–1724
Sandford S. A., Aléon J., Alexander C. M. O’D., Araki T., Bajt S., Baratta G. A., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Brownlee D. E., Brucato J. R., Burchell M. J., Busemann H., Butterworth A., Clemett S. J., Cody G., Colangeli L., Cooper G., d'Hendecourt L., Djouadi Z., Dworkin J. P., Ferrini G., Fleckenstein H., Flynn G. J., Franchi I. A., Fries M., Gilles M. K., Glavin D. P., Gounelle M., Grossemy F., Jacobsen C., Keller L. P., Kilcoyne A. L. D., Leitner J., Matrajt G., Meibom A., Mennella V., Mostefaoui S., Nittler L. R., Palumbo M. E., Papanastassiou D. A., Robert F., Rotundi A., Snead C. J., Spencer M. K., Stadermann F. J., Steele A., Stephan T., Tsou P., Tyliszczak T., Westphal A. J., Wirick S., Wopenka B., Yabuta H., Zare R. N. and Zolensky M. E.
(2006) Rosetta/COSIMA: high resolution in-situ dust analysis at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkov. 38th Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences, #43.04
Krüger H., Engrand C., Fischer H., Hilchenbach M., Hornung K., Kissel J., Stephan T., Thirkell L., Thomas R., Trieloff M., Tubiana C. and Varmuza K.
(2006) SIMS studies of Allende projectiles fired into Stardusttype aluminum foils at 6 km/sec. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 41, 197–209
Hoppe P., Stadermann F. J., Stephan T., Floss C., Leitner J., Marhas K. K. and Hörz F.
(2006) Stardust (comet) samples and the meteorite record. Eos Trans. AGU 87 (52), Fall Meet. Supl., Abstract P51E-1243
Weisberg M., Connolly H., Zolensky M., Bland P., Bradley J., Brearley A., Bridges J., Brownlee D., Butterworth A., Dai Z., Ebel D., Genge M., Gounelle M., Graham G., Grossman J., Grossman L., Harvey R., Ishii H., Kearsley A., Keller L., Krot A., Langenhorst F., Lanzirotti A., Leroux H., Matrajt G., Messenger K., Mikouchi T., Nakamura T., Ohsumi K., Okudaira K., Perronnet M., Simon S., Stephan T., Stroud R., Taheri M., Tomeoka K., Toppani A., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Velbel M., Weber I., Westphal A., Yano H. and Zega T.
(2006) The distribution of inclusions in a single large presolar silicon carbide grain. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 41, A166
Stadermann F. J., Stephan T., Lea A. S. and Floss C.
(2006) The preliminary examination of organics in the returned Stardust samples from comet Wild 2. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1124
Sandford S. A., Aleon J., Alexander C., Butterworth A., Clemett S. J., Cody G., Cooper G., Dworkin J. P., Flynn G. J., Gilles M. K., Glavin D. P., Jacobsen C., Matrajt G., Robert F., Spencer M. K., Stephan T., Westphal A., Wirick S. and Zare R. N.
(2006) TOF-SIMS analysis of aerogel picokeystones – an analogue to Stardust's interstellar dust collection. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1448
Stephan T., Butterworth A. L., Snead C. J., Srama R. and Westphal A. J.
(2006) TOF-SIMS analysis of Allende projectiles shot into silica aerogel. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 41, 211–216
Stephan T., Butterworth A. L., Hörz F., Snead C. J. and Westphal A. J.
(2006) TOF-SIMS analysis of crater residues from projectiles shot onto aluminum foil. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 41, A105
Leitner J., Stephan T., Kearsley A. T. and Hörz F.
(2006) TOF-SIMS analysis of residues of projectiles shot onto Stardust aluminum foil. Lunar Planet. Sci. 37, #1576
Leitner J., Stephan T. and Hörz F.
(2006) TOF-SIMS of Stardust. 5th European Workshop on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, p1.
Stephan T.
(2007) 3-D elemental and isotopic composition of presolar silicon carbides. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 42, 1121–1134
Henkel T., Stephan T., Jessberger E. K., Hoppe P., Strebel R., Amari S. and Lewis R. S.
(2007) COSIMA – high resolution time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer for the analysis of cometary dust particles onboard Rosetta. Space Sci. Rev. 128, 823–867
Kissel J., Altwegg K., Clark B. C., Colangeli L., Cottin H., Czempiel S., Eibl J., Engrand C., Fehringer H. M., Feuerbacher B., Fomenkova M., Glasmachers A., Greenberg J. M., Grün E., Haerendel G., Henkel H., Hilchenbach M., von Hoerner H., Höfner H., Hornung K., Jessberger E. K., Koch A., Krüger H., Langevin Y., Parigger P., Raulin F., Rüdenauer F., Rynö J., Schmid E. R., Schulz R., Silén J., Steiger W., Stephan T., Thirkell L., Thomas R., Torkar K., Utterback N. G., Varmuza K., Wanczek K. P., Werther W. and Zscheeg H.
(2007) Elemental composition of comet 81P/Wild-2 derived from Stardust samples. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 42, A145
Stephan T.
(2007) HRTEM analyses of Stardust samples and their comparison with TOF-SIMS results. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 42, A153
van der Bogert C. H., Golla-Schindler U. and Stephan T.
(2007) Laboratory calibration of Rosetta/COSIMA: preparation for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkov. Geophys. Res. Abstracts 9, 07731
Krüger H., Engrand C., Fischer H., Hilchenbach M., Hornung K., Kissel J., Stephan T., Thirkell L., Thomas R., Trieloff M. and Varmuza K.
(2007) Overview of the results of the organics PET study of the cometary samples returned from comet Wild 2 by the Stardust mission. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38, #1301
Sandford S. A., Aléon J., Alexander C. M. O’D., Araki T., Bajt S., Baratta G. A., Borg J., Bradley J. P., Brownlee D. E., Brucato J. R., Burchell M. J., Busemann H., Butterworth A., Clemett S. J., Cody G., Colangeli L., Cooper G., d'Hendecourt L., Djouadi Z., Dworkin J. P., Ferrini G., Fleckenstein H., Flynn G. J., Franchi I. A., Fries M., Gilles M. K., Glavin D. P., Gounelle M., Grossemy F., Jacobsen C., Keller L. P., Kilcoyne A. L. D., Leitner J., Matrajt G., Meibom A., Mennella V., Mostefaoui S., Nittler L. R., Palumbo M. E., Papanastassiou D. A., Robert F., Rotundi A., Snead C. J., Spencer M. K., Steele A., Stephan T., Tsou P., Tyliszczak T., Westphal A. J., Wirick S., Wopenka B., Yabuta H., Zare R. N. and Zolensky M. E.
(2007) TOF- SIMS analysis of comet Wild 2 particles extracted from Stardust aerogel. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38, #1126
Stephan T., Flynn G. J., Sandford S. A. and Zolensky M. E.
(2007) TOF-SIMS analysis of cometary matter in Stardust aerogel tracks. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38, #2346
Rost D., Stephan T., Vicenzi E. P., Bullock E. S., MacPherson G. J., Westphal A. J., Snead C. J., Flynn G. J., Sandford S. A. and Zolensky M. E.
(2007) TOF-SIMS analysis of crater residues from particles of comet 81P/Wild 2. Dissertation, Universität Münster. 111 pp.
Leitner J.
(2007) TOF-SIMS analysis of Wild 2 cometary matter collected by Stardust aluminum foil. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38, #1591
Leitner J., Stephan T., Kearsley A. T., Hörz F., Flynn G. J. and Sandford S. A.
(2007) Wild-2 déjà-vu: Comparison of Wild-2 particles to chondrites and IDPs. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38, #1481
Zolensky M., Zega T., Weisberg M., Velbel M., Tomioka N., Tomeoka K., Stroud R., Stephan T., Simon S., Rietmeijer F., Ohsumi K., Ohnishi I., Nakamura-Messenger K., Nakamura T., Mikouchi T., Matrajt G., Leroux H., Langenhorst F., Krot A., Kearsley A., Joswiak D., Ishii H., Hagiya K., Grossman L., Grossman J., Graham G., Gounelle M., Fakra S., Dai Z. R., Chi M., Brownlee D., Bridges J. and Bradley J.
(2008) An automatic pipeline processing software for secondary ion time-of-flight mass spectra of Rosetta/COSIMA. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, B04- 0045-08
Krüger H., Briois C., Engrand C., Fischer H., Hilchenbach M., Kissel J., Martin P., Rynö J., Stephan T., Thirkell L., Thomas R. and Varmuza K.
(2008) Assessing the element composition of comet 81P/Wild 2 by analyzing dust collected by Stardust. Space Sci. Rev. 138, 247–258
Stephan T.
(2008) Captureprocessing of Stardust cometary particles: Comparison of melted and unmelted particles from Type B impact tracks. European Planetary Science Congress Abstracts 3, EPSC2008-A-00546
van der Bogert C. H., Stephan T. and Jessberger E. K.
(2008) Captureprocessing of Stardust cometary samples: Comparison of capture-melted and unmelted particles. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2008, #8257
van der Bogert C. H., Stephan T. and Jessberger E. K.
(2008) Chemical and mineralogical properties of cometary samples captured by Stardust. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A147
Stephan T. and van der Bogert C. H.
(2008) Cometary dust collected by Stardust and in the stratosphere – differences and similarities. Workshop on Cosmic Dust - Near & Far.
Stephan T.
(2008) Comparing Wild 2 matter with Halley's dust and interplanetary dust particles. European Planetary Science Congress Abstracts 3, EPSC2008-A-00308
Stephan T., Leitner J. and van der Bogert C. H.
(2008) Comparing Wild 2 particles to chondrites and IDPs. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 261–272
Zolensky M., Nakamura-Messenger K., Rietmeijer F., Leroux H., Mikouchi T., Ohsumi K., Simon S., Grossman L., Stephan T., Weisberg M., Velbel M., Zega T., Stroud R., Tomeoka K., Ohnishi I., Tomioka N., Nakamura T., Matrajt G., Joswiak D., Brownlee D., Langenhorst F., Krot A., Kearsley A., Ishii H., Graham G., Dai Z. R., Chi M., Bradley J., Hagiya K., Gounelle M., Keller L. and Bridges J.
(2008) Comparison of capture-melted and unmelted Stardust cometary particles: Preliminary TEM analyses. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39, #1732
van der Bogert C. H. and Stephan T.
(2008) Concerted TOF-SIMS and TEM analysis of cometary matter captured by Stardust. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, A896
Stephan T. and van der Bogert C. H.
(2008) Construction of the ion nanoprobe: A progress report (abstract). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, A201
Davis A. M., Veryovkin I. V., Stephan T., Pellin M. J., Savina M. R., Parai R., Knight K. B. and Levine J.
(2008) Discovery of Antarctic micrometeorites containing GEMS and enstatite whiskers. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, A117
Noguchi T., Ohashi H., Nishida S., Nakamura T., Aoki T., Toh S., Stephan T. and Iwata N.
(2008) Dust from comet Wild 2: Interpreting particle size, shape, structure, and composition from impact features on the Stardust aluminum foils. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 41–73
Kearsley A. T., Borg J., Graham G. A., Burchell M. J., Cole M. J., Leroux H., Bridges J. C., Hörz F., Wozniakiewicz P. J., Bland P. A., Bradley J. P., Dai Z. R., Teslich N., See T., Hoppe P., Heck P. R., Huth J., Stadermann F. J., Floss C., Marhas K., Stephan T. and Leitner J.
(2008) High-precision rensonance ionization mass spectrometry: Applicability to presolar grains. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39, #1661
Levine J., Savina M. R., Davis A. M., Pellin M. J. and Stephan T.
(2008) Improvements in RIMS isotope precision. 4th International Conference on Laser Probing, LAP 2008
Levine J., Savina M., Stephan T. and Pellin M.
(2008) Stardust in Stardust – The C, N, and O isotopic compositions of Wild 2 cometary matter in Al foil impacts. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 299–313
Stadermann F. J., Hoppe P., Floss C., Heck P. R., Hörz F., Huth J., Kearsley A. T., Leitner J., Marhas K. K., McKeegan K. D. and Stephan T.
(2008) TOF- SIMS analysis of cometary particles extracted from Stardust aerogel. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 285–298
Stephan T., Flynn G. J., Sandford S. A. and Zolensky M. E.
(2008) TOF-SIMS analysis of cometary matter in Stardust aerogel tracks. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 233–246
Stephan T., Rost D., Vicenzi E. P., Bullock E. S., MacPherson G. J., Westphal A. J., Snead C. J., Flynn G. J., Sandford S. A. and Zolensky M. E.
(2008) TOF-SIMS analysis of crater residues from Wild 2 cometary particles on Stardust aluminum foil. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 43, 161–185
Leitner J., Stephan T., Kearsley A. T., Hörz F., Flynn G. J. and Sandford S. A.
(2008) TOF-SIMS analysis of Wild 2 cometary mineral grains captured by Stardust. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39, #1508
Stephan T. and van der Bogert C. H.
(2009) Improvements in RIMS isotopic precision: Application to in situ atom-limited analyses. In 4th International Conference on Laser Probing – LAP 2008, AIP Conference Proc. 1104 (eds. T. Iguchi and K. Watanabe), pp. 90–95
Levine J., Savina M., Stephan T. and Pellin M.
(2009) Breakup, sorting, mixing, and melting of cometary dust during capture by Stardust (abstract). Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A195
Stephan T.
(2009) First four-isotope measurements of chromium in presolar SiC grains. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40, #1982
Levine J., Savina M. R., Dauphas N., Davis A. M., Isselhardt B. H., Knight K. B., Lewis R. S., Pellin M. and Stephan T.
(2009) NanoSIMS search for interstellar silicate dust in chondritic samples (abstract). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, A1392
Vollmer C., Hoppe P. and Stephan T.
(2009) Origin of two AB type SiC grains from Murchison (abstract). Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, A87
Heck P. R., Stephan T., Hoppe P. and Davis A. M.
(2009) Sample return of interstellar matter (SARIM). Exp. Astron. 23, 303–328
Srama R., Stephan T., Grün E., Pailer N., Kearsley A., Graps A., Laufer R., Ehrenfreund P., Altobelli N., Altwegg K., Auer S., Baggaley J., Burchell M. J., Carpenter J., Colangeli L., Esposito F., Green S. F., Henkel H., Horanyi M., Jäckel A., Kempf S., McBride N., Moragas-Klostermeyer G., Krüger H., Palumbo P., Srowig A., Trieloff M., Tsou P., Sternovsky Z., Zeile O. and Röser H.-P.
(2009) Separation of primary amorphous silicates and capture-related glasses in Stardust cometary samples. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40, #2404
van der Bogert C. H., Stephan T. and Jessberger E. K.
(2009) Stardust interstellar preliminary examination (ISPE). Lunar Planet. Sci. 40, #1786
Westphal A. J., Allen C., Bajt S., Basset R., Bastien R., Bechtel H., Bleuet P., Borg J., Brenker F., Bridges J., Brownlee D. E., Burchell M., Burghammer M., Butterworth A. L., Cloetens P., Cody G., Ferroir T., Floss C., Flynn G. J., Frank D., Gainsforth Z., Grün E., Hoppe P., Kearsley A., Lemelle L., Leroux H., Lettieri R., Marchant W., Mendez B., Nittler L. R., Ogliore R., Postberg F., Sandford S. A., Schmitz S., Silversmit G., Simionovici A., Srama R., Stadermann F., Stephan T., Stroud R. M., Susini J., Sutton S., Trieloff M., Tsou P., Tsuchiyama A., Tyliszczak T., Vekemans B., Vincze L., Warren J., Zolensky M. E. and >26000 Stardust@home dusters
(2009) The ion nanoprobe: A new instrument for studying the isotopic and elemental composition of the solar system and beyond at a few-nanaometer scale (abstract). Lunar Planet. Sci. 40, #2472
Davis A. M., Stephan T., Veryovkin I. V., Pellin M. J. and Savina M. R.
(2009) TOF-SIMS analysis of cometary fragments extracted from a Stardust aerogel track. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40, #1698
Stephan T.
DFG Programme
Research Grants