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TRR 29:  Product Service Systems - Dynamic Interdepency of Products and Services in the Production Area

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 14516012
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

The aim of the CRC/TR29 was the creation and evaluation of methods and tools for the design and delivery of Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS²). Within the project, each subproject adhered to the IPS² lifecycle consisting of the phases planning, development, implementation, operation and closure. Accompanying to the research, the results of each subproject were applied and evaluated on a technical demonstrator in the field of micro production technology. Regarding the planning phase, the subproject A1 examined the systematic identification of requirements and needs as well as the willingness to pay of potential IPS² customers and therefore addressed questions related to marketing and sales. Subproject A2 aimed at the early development phase and created a generic procedure model for the planning and control of the IPS² development process. Through a suitable method for operationalization, the procedure could be applied in concrete project plans in the further course of the project. Subproject A6 investigated milestones and requirements of IPS² design reviews under consideration of the IPS² development process. Subproject A3 developed a model for the description of IPS² concepts, which describe the essence of the IPS² solution in principle on a medium abstraction level. Based on these IPS² concepts the concept partitioning method was introduced for the specific determination of functions and solution elements. The complete planning and development is supported by an IT-based assistance system developed in subproject A4. A modular software architecture and methods for the determination of the IPS² requirement specification as well as for the support of the design phase were developed for this purpose. A software tool was implemented in subproject A5 for the IT assisted generation and modelling of manual, semi automated as well as automated IPS² delivery processes. Furthermore, the tool enables the assessment of productivity, quality and stability of versatile IPS² delivery processes as early as in the development phase. Concerning the IPS² operation phase, subproject B1 developed a procedure for the strategic capacity planning as well as the operational resource management in order to create individual structural and process organizations within IPS² networks. For the execution of the process organization, the IPS execution system was developed, which takes into consideration the special requirements of the dynamic organizational structures in IPS². In order to fulfil the requirements of user support, especially in maintenance and repair processes, a shared vision system was developed and evaluated in subproject B4. This system allows a shared, knowledge-based problem solving process involving a remote expert and an on-site technician at the machine tool. Through the interaction of a formal reference model with cognitive user models, a system for the generation of action-specific and multi modal instructions and warnings in real time was developed. Within the scope of subproject B6, an agentbased IT architecture was developed for the automation of IPS² delivery processes including all required stakeholders, IT systems and resources. The comprehensive integration of all data and systems throughout the complete IPS² life cycle was achieved by a flexible service oriented architecture as well as a federated, semantic IPS² meta data model in the form of an operational IPS² top domain ontology. Furthermore, methods for IPS² feedback management, IPS² change management and IPS² executive information management were developed. In subproject C3, a cost management system was elaborated for the planning and control of costs for specific IPS² throughout the whole life cycle. Furthermore flexibility was identified as a means for coping with uncertainty. Under consideration of the knowledge balance, the identification of uncertainty as well as the determination of required flexibility was achieved. In subproject C4, existing business models were identified empirically throughout different branches and industries, systematized on the basis of a morphology and classified in a continuum of dynamic IPS² business models. By means of a resulting partial model library, a customer individual configuration process can be conducted in order to develop dynamic business models throughout all life cycle phases. Subproject C5 focussed on the collaboration between different IPS² stakeholders. Essentially compentencies were classified, which are required by individuals to integrate their different kinds of expertise in working processes that require the synchronization of production and services across organizational borders.



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