Project Details
TRR 29: Product Service Systems - Dynamic Interdepency of Products and Services in the Production Area
Subject Area
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 14516012
The Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 29 aims to establish an innovative and user-oriented understanding of products and services. This understanding views product and service shares in an integrated and mutually determined way as product service systems and leads to an increased solution space. Here, new possibilities for innovations arise due to the integrated view of product and service shares.
The increased solution space also leads to a better marketing of highly complex machines, as the customer is offered an increased utility value. This is of great importance, as the German mechanical engineering only chance of competing on a global level is in the field of high technology products. Given the current circumstances, winning the competition based on the reduction of prices is not possible. If the customer is not able to exploit all technological advantages offered, less complex machines manufactured in low wage countries are more economic. Therefore, technological market leadership does not directly result in corresponding market success. Only the integration with an appropriate service avoids the danger of technology traps.
The Transregional Collaborative Research Centre's fields of action span the complete life cycle of product service systems. Approaches, methods and tools to plan, develop, deliver and use product service systems are developed in this programme. The effects of the initiated change of paradigms are being researched in twelve projects in the fields of "Planning/Development", "Delivery/Usage", "Life Cycle" and "Demonstrator". The research activity is being supported by the development of a demonstrator in the field of micro-production.
The increased solution space also leads to a better marketing of highly complex machines, as the customer is offered an increased utility value. This is of great importance, as the German mechanical engineering only chance of competing on a global level is in the field of high technology products. Given the current circumstances, winning the competition based on the reduction of prices is not possible. If the customer is not able to exploit all technological advantages offered, less complex machines manufactured in low wage countries are more economic. Therefore, technological market leadership does not directly result in corresponding market success. Only the integration with an appropriate service avoids the danger of technology traps.
The Transregional Collaborative Research Centre's fields of action span the complete life cycle of product service systems. Approaches, methods and tools to plan, develop, deliver and use product service systems are developed in this programme. The effects of the initiated change of paradigms are being researched in twelve projects in the fields of "Planning/Development", "Delivery/Usage", "Life Cycle" and "Demonstrator". The research activity is being supported by the development of a demonstrator in the field of micro-production.
DFG Programme
Completed projects
- A01 - Effective IPS² sales strategies regarding the IPS² lifecycle (Project Heads Alavi, Sascha ; Wieseke, Jan )
- A02 - Enabling IPS² development: Control methods and instruments of the IPS² development process (Project Head Stark, Rainer )
- A03 - Model-based Cooperation in the Conceptual design of Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS²) (Project Head Bender, Beate )
- A04 - IPS² Assistance System - Simulation of Product and Service Components during the Design Phase for the Optimization of Product-Service Systems (Project Head Uhlmann, Eckart )
- A05 - Service Design of IPS² - Evaluation of IPS²-Services (Project Head Meier, Horst )
- A06 - Interdisziplinäre HLB-Design-Reviews - Design Reviews und Verifikation in der HLB-Entwicklung (Project Head Stark, Rainer )
- B01 - Organization of customer integrated service supply chains - Competence system for excel-lence in value creation (Project Head Laurischkat, Katja )
- B02 - Planungsmethoden - Strategische Kapazitätsplanung und operative Ressourceneinsatzplanung unter Echtzeitbedingungen (Project Head Meier, Horst )
- B03 - Knowledge Generation and Intellectual Capital Statement in IPS² - Knowledge Management by Intellectual Capital Statement (Project Heads Kohl, Holger ; Seliger, Günther )
- B04 - Enabling long-term IPS²-usage with cooperative automation (Project Heads Rötting, Matthias ; Wegerich, Anne )
- B05 - Cognitive User Models for Robust IPS² Operation (Project Heads Dzaack, Jeronimo ; Rötting, Matthias )
- B06 - Intelligent IPS² operation through inference-based service discovery (Project Head Uhlmann, Eckart )
- C01 - Semantic analysis of unstructured IPS² lifecycle information (Project Head Abramovici, Michael )
- C03 - Lifecycle-oriented customized management accounting for IPS² (Project Head Steven, Marion )
- C04 - IPS²-Business Models - Migration to Business Models for Industrial Product-Service Systems (Project Heads Laurischkat, Katja ; Wieseke, Jan )
- C05 - IPS2 Competences and Leadership Behaviors - Enabling Factors of the Migration Path towards IPS2 (Project Head Wilkens, Uta )
- D - Demonstrator - Description and assessment of IPS² product and service shares (Project Head Uhlmann, Eckart )
- T01 - Bereitstellung und Nutzung serviceorientierter Softwarefunktionen zur strategischen und operativen Unterstützung und Optimierung des technischen Kundendienstes an Werkzeugmaschinen (Project Head Uhlmann, Eckart )
- T02 - Industrielle HLB-Konzeptmodellierung - Nutzung, Bewertung und Adaption der integrierten HLB-Konzeptmodellierung am Beispiel robotergeführten Oberflächenveredelung (Project Head Sadek, Tim )
- T03 - Optimierung der industriellen Serviceerbringung durch HLB-Methoden in der strategischen sowie operativen Planung (Project Head Meier, Horst )
- T04 - PSS system design and process based project management - transfer to the crane industry (Project Head Stark, Rainer )
- T05 - Unternehmensplanspiel zur HLB-spezifischen Kompetenzentwicklung - Realisierung eines Prototyps zur Simulation hybrider Wertschöpfungsprozesse entlang des HLB-Lifecycle (Project Head Wilkens, Uta )
- Z - Central tasks of the collaborative research center (Project Head Uhlmann, Eckart )
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Berlin
Co-Applicant Institution
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Professor Dr.-Ing. Horst Meier, until 12/2012; Professor Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann, since 1/2013