Investigation of mechanical properties of forged iron-aluminium alloys

Applicant Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Arno Behrens
Subject Area Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
Term from 2010 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 142849202

Project Description

Within the first project phase it has been shown that the iron-aluminium alloys, namely Fe9Al, Fe28Al and Fe38Al (at.%) are forgeable. Extensive forming studies have been carried out in as-cast and preformed states, thus in different initial microstructures. Grain size has been assessed both numerically and experimentally. Furthermore, the influence of different forming parameters and resulting microstructures have been examined. However, no significant improvement in the ductility has been achieved. Based on the findings of the previous research, the target is set for the second proposal phase.The scientific question is to be answered to which extent an ultra-fine grained microstructure can be set up by preforming and ECAP (equal channel angular pressing). In addition a relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical properties, namely yield strength, tensile strength, ductility and impact work will be established. Upon each forming operation, a heat treatment of the workpiece is planned to ensure the formability of the workpiece and to achieve a homogenous grain refinement by recrystallization. Furthermore, the set grain size refinement by ECAP will be tested in a subsequent heating operation in terms of thermal stability. In the following the influence of the grain refinement on the forming processes rod extrusion and drop forging will be investigated the resulting product properties will be assessed.
DFG Programme Research Grants